Arizona well-drilling permits for Saudi-based company revoked

A pair of well-drilling permits for Fondomonte Farm has been revoked. The company has unlimited access to Arizona's groundwater, which they used to grow alfalfa that is then shipped back to the Middle East. Residents in La Paz County are complaining that local wells are drying up.

Cloud seeding gaining traction amid Rocky Mountain drought

A technique to get clouds to produce more snow is being used more as the Rocky Mountain region struggles with a two-decade drought. Cloud seeding involves using planes and ground-based equipment to put silver iodide into clouds when weather conditions are right.

In Colorado River talks, still no agreement about water cuts

On one side is California and some tribes along the river that want to protect their high-priority rights to the river’s water, which they use for drinking and farming. On the other side are the other six states — Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming and New Mexico — who say it’s time to come up with an approach that more fairly shares the river.

Tesla announces big plans for cheaper iron-based batteries

Tesla Inc. is planning to install iron-based batteries that are not only cheaper, but less of a fire hazard, in a version of an affordable electric vehicle and a semi heavy electric truck, according to reports.