Pregnant inmate claims poor nutrition at Perryville

Pregnant inmate Caitlyn Macrery is reporting inadequate nutrition and prenatal care at Perryville State Prison as ACLU moves to provide more oversight to what they call constitutional and human rights violations in the Arizona prison healthcare system. FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum has more.

Sober living crisis: Displaced people remain homeless after AHCCCS scandal

Two major issues in Arizona have become intertwined since the state’s Medicaid agency cracked down on fraudulent behavioral health facilities in 2023. Some critics say the suspension of hundreds of providers was an over-correction after Arizona lost more than $2 billion in estimated fraud.

Sober living crisis compounds homelessness issues in AZ

Two major issues in Arizona have become intertwined since the state’s Medicaid agency cracked down on fraudulent behavioral health facilities in 2023. Some critics say the suspension of hundreds of providers was an over-correction after Arizona lost more than $2 billion in estimated fraud. FOX 10's Justin Lum has this story.

Christian sect with AZ ties under FBI probe

A secretive Christian sect with deep ties to Arizona is under FBI investigation for widespread claims of child sex abuse. Ex members call the “Two by Two" church a cult as a known “elder" in the group is now in prison, convicted on ten counts of sexual exploitation of a minor. FOX 10's Justin Lum has this report.

Crump targets Arizona Medicaid fraud scandal

In a new joint lawsuit venture, Attorney Ben Crump claims behavioral health providers were unjustly targeted in Arizona's Medicaid scandal. FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum has the story.

Where is Darrel Johnson, Sr.?

The family of Darrel Johnson, an elderly man from Phoenix who went missing in New Mexico, is expecting the worst, and they want answers on his disappearance from a state park there. FOX 10 Investigative Reporter Justin Lum reports.

911 call for Phoenix firefighter incident released

We are following up on a FOX 10 investigation we first brought to you in December. That report mentioned a Phoenix firefighter who was arrested twice for incidents involving alcohol, trespassing and harassment, and FOX 10 Investigator Justin Lum has obtained the 911 call that was made during one of those incidents.

Aftermath: Murdered in Phoenix | Ep. 2

A cowardly crime takes place while David Denogean walks his dog. The suspect shoots him to death and runs off in the dark of night. The beloved teacher’s family is still grieving his death.