Tampa demonstrators show support for President Trump

On a holiday when thousands of Americans took to the streets for "Not My President" protests, supporters of President Trump held a counter protest in Tampa.

"All these crybabies out there who say he's not our president, get over it! He is our president," said Dan Schramek.

On Monday, Schramek proudly wore several pins he got while attending President Trump's inauguration in January. He was one of approximately 30 to 40 supporters of the president and members of the Hillsborough County Republicans who held pro-Trump signs at the intersection of North Dale Mabry Highway and West Columbus Drive in Tampa.

The crowd received both honks of support from passing drivers and a few shouts from people with opposing political views.

Supporters said they are pleased with the work President Trump has done during his first two month in office, particularly when it comes to his economic decisions.

"Some of the conversations he's had with large companies, [like] Ford, Carrier and some of the others, that needs to happen, and as a result, there's something to show for it. A few plants that maybe would have been built in Mexico, now we're going to keep some of those here," said Bob Emerson, Treasurer of the Hillsborough Republican Party.

"He's going to turn America up right where we used to be for centuries," said supporter Consuelo Otero.

In several cities around the country, protesters spoke out against President Trump's stance on immigration and his proposed repeal of Obamacare.

Thousands of protesters held signs and chanted near Trump Tower in New York City. Hundreds of protesters marched through Los Angeles, Atlanta and Seattle, to name a few.

Supporters of President Trump said now that the election is over, it is time for the country to come together, rather than remain divided along party lines.

"Support your president," said Schramek, "because the only way he's going to make America great again is if we all help him make America great again."
