Survey identifies Arizona's least desirable jobs

A new survey has identified the jobs that Arizonans think are the least desirable.

The new survey, which was done by a firm named Tradesafe, asked people whether they would switch careers if their salary was doubled, even if it meant taking on a notoriously dangerous job.

"Among Arizonans, the job they would least be willing to do, even if offered double the salary, was that of a roofers," read a portion of the survey. "Despite being essential to the construction industry, it's a job that many are hesitant to pursue."

Other jobs considered by Arizonans to be least desirable, according to the survey's findings, are:

  • Meatpacker
  • Steelworker
  • Power line worker
  • Oil right worker
  • Electrician
  • Logger

The survey, however, did reveal that the primary reason people take on dangerous jobs is the promise of high pay.

"This far outweighs other factors such as thrill and adventure (11%), family tradition or pressure (5%), or lack of awareness of the risks (4%)," read a portion of the survey.