Valley teens, brothers create carpool app

Many parents have become kind of like cab drivers, getting their kids to and from school, among other activities. But now, there's an app for that and it was created by two Valley teens and brothers, Ishan and Sahil Bagai. FOX 10's Anita Roman has more.

Phoenix freeway projects | Drone Zone

The Phoenix metro area remains one of the fastest growing areas in the country, and with that growth, comes the need for growth along our Valley freeways. In fact, the Arizona Department of Transportation is working on three major projects to keep up with the increase in traffic. The most notable project may be the expansion of Interstate 17 near Sunset Point. FOX 10 drone pilot Corey Goodwin shows us more.

Is summer travel season off to a rocky start?

The summer travel season could be off to a rocky start already after some passengers are receiving messages from the airlines that their flights have changed. It comes after a rough summer last year and complete meltdown during the holidays. FOX 10's Marissa Sarbak has the latest from Sky Harbor.