Biden grants clemency for some marijuana crimes

President Joe Biden has granted clemency to thousands of people convicted of certain marijuana-related offense. The decision affects those convicted of such offenses in Washington, D.C. and on certain federal lands, and also allows some criminal charges to be expunged. The moves are meant to rectify racial disparities in the justice system. According to the Associated Press, no federal prisoners are eligible for release as a result of the decision.

Tesla drivers have the highest accident rate, study says

A new study found that Tesla drivers were involved in more accidents than any other auto brand, while drivers of another type of vehicle were in the most auto "incidents," including accidents, DUIs, speeding and citations.

SCOTUS to play key role in 2024 election

We're less than a month away from the first votes of the presidential primary and in this election, the U.S. Supreme Court could play a pivotal role. The state of Colorado kicked Donald Trump off its ballot and more states could follow suit unless the Supreme Court puts a stop to it. FOX 10's Marc Martinez joins us with more.