Former Pentagon chief Mark Esper sues to publish parts of memoir

The lawsuit, which was filed Sunday in U.S. District Court in Washington, describes the memoir, “A Sacred Oath,” as an account of Esper’s tenure as Army secretary from 2017 to 2019 and his 18 months as defense secretary, which ended when Trump fired him in a tweet just days after the president lost his reelection bid.

Afghan family seeks ordinary life in Bay Area after fleeing Taliban

This family of four yearns for the ordinary. That's after they escaped from the Taliban in Afghanistan in late August, and then spent an 80-day journey in Qatar and a processing center in Wisconsin before they arrived in Hayward this month as newly arrived refugees.

Thousands of military families struggle to put food on the table

As many as 160,000 active-duty military members are having trouble feeding their families, yet an obscure federal rule prevents thousands from receiving food stamps: "It's a shocking truth that's known to many food banks across the United States. This should be the cause of deep embarrassment."