Robot dogs will soon patrol the US-Mexico border

The handful of police officials experimenting with the four-legged machines say they’re just another tool, like existing drones and simple wheeled robots, to keep emergency responders out of harm’s way as they scout for dangers.

Border Patrol agents rescue migrants from drowning in Yuma canal

“The agents rushed towards the struggling migrants, approximately fifty yards apart, and pulled out one by extending a hand and lifting him to shore,” officials said in a news release. “Agents used a rescue disc to pull the other to safety.”

Mexico charges 7 in ‘Fast and Furious’ weapons trafficking scandal

The December 2010 murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry exposed the bungled “Fast and Furious” investigation, in which agents from the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed criminals to buy guns with the intention of tracking the weapons.