Thieves break in to store steal $80,000 in merchandise, and a toy from the Toys for Tots box

Wearing hoods, masks, and gloves, thieves broke into a store in Forsyth County and stole $80,000 worth of drones and other equipment.

"They used a big crowbar to come right through our front doors," said Cliff Whitney, owner of Atlanta Hobby.

Cliff Whitney said the crooks had obviously been in his store in the past. He said they knew exactly what they wanted and where to find it.

"They breached our inner doors that go to the warehouse that were totally dark, no lights on, and made a perfect turn. They knew exactly where the drone department was, so they were here after drones," said Whitney.

They wanted drones and they found them. They also took aerial camera equipment and telescopes. Whitney said it all added up to more than $80,000. But what really makes him angry, Whitney said during the Saturday night burglary one of the crooks even swiped a toy from the Toys for Tots donation box.

"I mean bad karma is going to be on these two people if nothing else than for taking out of the Toys for Tots box. How bad can that be," said Whitney.

Whitney is confident the pair will be caught. Police have the surveillance video from inside the store as well as images of the White Nissan van they were driving

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