Small Business Saturday: Arizonans encouraged to shop local

Shopping season is in full swing, and small businesses are gearing up for their biggest day of the year.

"This is, like, my favorite day of the year," said Sarah Small.

Sarah is with ‘Wicker Goddess,’ located near Missouri and 12th Street. Her business began on Instagram, and later bloomed into a brick-and-mortar shop. She says days like Small Business Saturday helped that happen.

"I think it’s so easy to forget, as a customer, how powerful your dollar is, and how when you support a local business, you can really change someone’s life and really support their dream," said Sarah.

Sarah is one of 130 vendors at Heritage Square on Saturday for Phoenix Flea.

"It’s an opportunity to help small businesses succeed," said Phoenix Flea founder Ashlee Molina. "It makes their year. It’s such a huge difference."

Molina says it’s a way to get unique gifts, while giving your dollars to local Phoenix residents.

"These are our neighbors," said Molina. "Our friends, our family."

According to a LendingTree survey, just over half of Americans surveyed say they will participate in Small Business Saturday, with 34% of people surveyed exclusively shopping at small businesses that day. Some business owners, like Alice with Gilbert Made, said it makes a big difference.

"When you’re helping a small business, you’re helping a family opposed to a big box store," said Alice.

Sarah, meanwhile, said that in a world of online shopping, there’s something special about supporting a neighbor.

"I don’t want you guys to forget that you are making dreams come true," said Sarah.

The Phoenix Flea Market will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, while a small business block party along Roosevelt Row will take place from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.

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