Search still on for Scottsdale woman's murder, three years later

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It is a murder case that has stumped Scottsdale Police for the last three years: a woman who seemingly had everything going for her was found murdered in her South Scottsdale home.

The last time Allison Feldman's mother saw her alive was Valentine's Day in 2015. Three days later, Allison was killed.

The questions, however, remain. What happened that day? What do investigators know about her assailant?

"It's an established neighborhood in South Scottsdale," said Scottsdale Police detective John Heinzelman. "Most people there, have been there. It's single family residence. It's a quiet neighborhood. Immediately when we walked in, that's when the reality struck of what we had. We had a homicide here."

On any given day, the most you'll hear off of Monterrey Lane are the birds chirping. Somehow, despite a very loud and gruesome scene police walked into, all was still calm on that day Allison was violently murdered.

"No one that we know of heard anything," said Allison's father, Harley Feldman.

"There was an overwhelming smell of some bleach or some chemical that was noticeable from the street," said Heinzelman. "She had an injury to her head from the blunt force trauma."

There was also a lot of blood, Heinzelman said, and a piece of clothing thrown over her. When asked if Allison was in a fight with her attacker...

"I believe so, yes," said Heinzelman.

Three years later, the murder case remains a mystery.

"I think about her everyday," said Feldman.

For Scottsdale Police, it is one of the most difficult ones.

"I believe this will be one of the top 5 cases in Scottsdale Police history that we've worked," said Heinzelman.

She was the happiest we had seen her in a long time," said Feldman.

In fact, Allison was just hitting her prime in life. She was a new home owner, owning a dream home. She also received a promotion at work, and she was in love with her then boyfriend, adoring every minute of life. Nothing that foreshadowed what would come, at the start of a new year.

"My wife met with her on Valentine's Day, and she was the prettiest she had ever been. She was happy," said Feldman.

Valentine's day 2015 would turn out to be the last time Elaine Feldman saw her daughter alive. Days after a final phone call between Allison and her mother, Elaine received no text and no call.

"Around noon, my wife said to me, 'this just doesn't feel right'," said Feldman.

Around 3:00 p.m., the Feldmans asked Scottsdale Police to do a welfare check. What they didn't know, however, was that Allison's then boyfriend, also worried, had already gone over and discovered her body.

Heinzelman has been on the case since day one.

"He was driving his car, so I advised him, 'please pull over'," said Heinzelman, recounting the call he made to Allison's father.

"He said, 'your daughter has expired'," said Feldman, recounting the phone call he received from Heinzelman.

Police began to put the pieces together.

"It was a very nice evening," said Heinzelman. "Typical February cool evening in Scottsdale."

And Allison loved fresh air.

"So, I'm sure she had the door open and things unlocked," said Feldman. "She liked the fresh air."

Could the killer have seen Allison from the back alley that runs behind her home, and let himself through the red fence?

"The fence around the backyard is low to where a person walking by of an average height, average adult person would be able to look over see into the house," said Heinzelman.

Once inside, what caused someone to murder Allison?

"As far as we know, Allison did not have any enemies," said Heinzelman.

"Everybody loved her, because she always put everybody first," said Feldman.

Heinzelman said they have looked at text messages, phone calls, and all records, with no indication that Allison had a secret life. There is not much police know about the attacker either, but one thing, based on the police investigation, could be said.

"I don't think this was necessarily the plan, walking into the door," said Heinzelman.

However, there are no further details. There are so many questions still unknown, but for detectives looking back on the scene...

"It did appear that this had something to do with possibly personal, possibly angry," said Heinzelman.

"She loved people," said Feldman. "Never said anything bad about anybody, so it just doesn't fit that somebody would be angry."

"This could also be someone who was on drugs. This is could be someone who was very, very panicked at the time, and over reacted," said Heinzelman.

For detectives, it seems the answer has been dangling just out of reach for years. The killer's DNA was collected from the scene. There is, however, still no match three years later.

"That is a good source of frustration," said Heinzelman "We have DNA, a majority of the population their DNA is not in any data base."

Everyday, however, there are attempts, with DNA databases across the nation and the world being searched.

"The only thing justice will do is put this guy away," said Feldman. "Won't bring Allison back, but we want him punished for what he did."

Feldman said he does not fear his daughter's case will go cold, and he is confident in the work of detectives. Detectives, meanwhile, are relying on tips from anyone who may know anything still.

At the same time. family and friends continue to honor Allison. There is now a scholarship fund set up in her name. The scholarship will help students study abroad. Meanwhile, a memorial is set to take place to remember Allison, at the Scottsdale Justice Center on 3700 N. 75th St. on Saturday, February 17 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Scottsdale Police are encouraging anyone with information to give them a call.

Allison Feldman Memorial Scholarship

Allison Feldman Memorial