Laveen home's security camera captures 'porch pirate' taking package from doorstep

'Porch pirates' are unfortunately keeping busy around the Valley during the holidays and Ryan Schanck says his family of four was recently targeted by one. 

Surveillance video shows a woman walk up to his home near near 47th Avenue and Buckeye Road, pick up a package, and leave the scene in a silver mini-van.

The Schancks say they weren't expecting a package and that it was probably a Christmas gift sent to them.

"That was the worst part. We don't know who it was from or who to contact so that person can make a claim and maybe a refund of whatever they might be owed.. luckily we're not hurting for any presents or anything like that, so we're fortunate that it was someone taking something," said Ryan.

The Schancks reported the theft to the police and they're hoping to get the gift back in time for Christmas.

If you have any information about this case, contact the police.

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