How the 100 Club helps families of 1st responders

Since Officer Glasser's death, there has been an outpouring of support from the community. Several fundraisers have been held, large donations made, and people have been by the Glasser family's side. There's a local organization that will continue to help his family long after he is laid to rest.

The 100 Club provides support to officers, firefighters, and their families when tragedy strikes. The CEO is a widow herself and says after the funeral things like fundraisers tend to taper off, and that's very difficult for the surviving family. She wants to make sure the support never stops.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised for the family at a benefit BBQ and car wash at Cobblestone Auto Spa.

"These people put their lives on the line for us every single day when they leave their home, and it's really nice when people come by and support the family when the officer is no longer able to do so," said John Barnes with the MCSO Memorial Fund.

One who knows how much this support means is CEO of the 100 Club Angela Harrolle. Her husband was killed in 2008 on duty. Her mission now is to make sure surviving families aren't forgotten.

"Our initial step is to provide an immediate line of duty death benefit of $15,000 to the family to cover some of the immediate needs in order to get through the next days, weeks, months," said Harrolle.

After those weeks and months go by the 100 Club still provides support. The organization provides a life long survivors fund.

"100 percent of the money's that come in and are donated in honor of or in memory of Officer Glasser go into our survivor's fund and we make that survivor's fund available to line of duty death families," said Harrolle.

The 100 Club also provides counseling services for the family and scholarships for children. Harrolle says it's always tough for survivors after the fundraisers die down and their loved one is laid to rest.

"We all return to our regular, normal, everyday lives. Their lives will never be normal again. It will be their new normal that they will have to figure out," said Harrolle.

The 100 Club also provides funds to first responders hurt in the line of duty. It operates strictly on donations.