Former Arizona Governor says she's willing to be Trump's running mate

Donald Trump hasn't picked a running mate, but former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer got some people talking over the weekend after comments she made on a national news program. When she was asked about possible running mates for Trump, she said she would be willing to throw her hat into consideration.

"I think that I did a good job when I was governor.. certainly during the worst times in Arizona financially, I was able to turn the state around.. and get us on a path to recovery, I'm proud of that record."

That record, which included a national profile and a very public stand against illegal immigration may be what's leading to Brewer being mentioned in the long list of possible Trump VP picks.

Brewer endorsed Trump back in February before he won Arizona's Presidential Preference election. She appeared on CNN last weekend as a panelist and said she would be open to being his Vice Presidential pick and tweeted out a statement: "Of course I'm willing to be considered for VP, but I'll help Donald Trump in any capacity to be our next president."

She even went a step further on Monday when she sat down with FOX 10's Troy Hayden.

"Lots of politicians say I'm not interested.. well the fact of the matter is.. is not interested and they don't want to go that route in case they're not picked, that way they're not a loser I guess, but I would serve Donald Trump in any capacity that I can that he feels I can serve him in."

"Just to be clear, you haven't had any conversations with Donald Trump?" asked Hayden. "Are we making some news here?"

Brewer replied, "I'm not going to say I have or I haven't. That's the best way to put it."

So Brewer won't confirm or deny that she has been contacted by the Trump campaign about the VP job, but says she is in contact with campaign leaders on a daily basis in her role as a Trump supporter.