Arizona hikers finish 2-month challenge by hiking a Tempe mountain dozens of times

Hikers from around Phoenix are wrapping up a two-month-long challenge: climbing a mountain in Tempe over and over again.

Up and down, all day, every day. A mountain in Tempe is quite the attraction.

"It's under half a mile to get to the top and about 300 feet. So, you're basically climbing the Statue of Liberty," said hiker Brett Andersen.

Downtown Tempe Authority challenged hikers to climb the mountain 40 times over seven weeks.

"We have all kinds of milestones and prizes scattered throughout the event to get people who started to keep going," said Rachel Burkman with Downtown Tempe Authority.

Andersen's wife, Shalyn, signed up as well.

"I love to hike, yeah, it just sounded fun," she said.

This year, she made progress.

"I did it ten times, so I think I could probably build on that," she said.

The goal is 40, which is equal to the same height as climbing Mount Everest.

"I honestly just love everything about it," Brett said.

His father-in-law had just passed away and said they used to hike this mountain together.

"Now, whenever I'm on the mountain, it brings back memories of him," he said.

The couple brings along their four-year-old son on the hikes.

"He always loves pointing out the airplanes and the light rail, so its always nice seeing him appreciate the things we take for granted," Brett said.

Forty times in seven weeks, that has to get you in shape, right?

"I can tell you the 40th time is a lot easier than the first time you climb a mountain," Burkman said.

Organizers say they plan to bring the challenge back again next year.

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