Arizona first responder agencies send supplies to Ukraine: 'We could not think of a better cause'

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Arizona first responder agencies send supplies to Ukraine: 'We could not think of a better cause'

Arizona is stepping up to help Ukranians on the front lines as they continue to fight against Russia, and law enforcement agencies all over the state gathered protective gear to send its military there.

We are one of the first states to send aid, and the Department of Emergency and Military Affairs says this is actually the first time they've gathered aid in this capacity to send to another country.

Pounds of supplies and equipment including hundreds of bullet-resistant vests, helmets, tactical clothing, shields and more, are all on the way to Ukraine.

"It is being airlifted to Poland and will arrive in the next few days. Then from Poland will be trucked across the Polish-Ukrainian border to be distributed to the people of Ukraine," explained Gene Wikle, senior assistant director for the Arizona Division of Emergency Management.

This was all made possible by Arizona's Department of Emergency and Military Affairs. It sent out a message to law enforcement agencies asking for the equipment and gear.

Eleven counties, state and tribal law enforcement agencies, including Phoenix Police, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office, and many others, answered the call.

"This was equipment no longer being utilized and was still very effective equipment that could be used, and we could not think of a better cause to ship and share that to save lives in people of Ukraine," Wikle said. "One thing Arizona can be proud about is trying to do everything as a community partner, helping one another and this is an opportunity to help people on the other side of the world."

The agencies worked quickly to get these supplies gathered and they shipped it all off on Saturday, April 2, and should be in Ukraine in a matter of days.

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Tune in to FOX 10 Phoenix for the latest news:

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