Solving Phoenix's deadly pedestrian problem

Is it safe to walk across Valley streets? Statistic paint a bleak picture, with 2018 outpacing 2017 when it comes to pedestrian fatalities, with more than 50 people having been killed on Phoenix streets so far in 2018. FOX 10's Matt Galka reports.

Man on the road to recovery following crash and traumatic brain injury

The lives of one local family changed in an instant after the father was struck by a car while walking home. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and has been hospitalized ever since. FOX 10's Danielle Miller has more on the family's story of hope, healing and recovery.

Volunteers hauling water to help wildlife survive drought

According to climatologists at the University of Arizona, the state remains in the grips of a 50-year drought. Meanwhile, the fire danger is higher than ever, with many of the National Forests in Arizona still closed. At the same time, pressure is mounting on wildlife. However, one group of volunteers is trying to help by delivering thousands of gallons of water to wildlife...

New technology makes root canal procedure less dreadful

Nobody wants to hear they need a root canal, but new technology is helping change that, and Arizona is now leading the way with a new procedure called "Gentle Wave". FOX 10's Danielle Miller reports.

Valley doctor aims to help ED patients with sound

A new survey conducted by Consumer Reports finds that 55 percent of Americans regularly take a prescription medicine, and they're taking more pills than ever. One Valley doctor, however, is trying to change that mindset, and he's targeting a very specific group of patients. FOX 10's Anita Roman reports.

Rebuilt Castle Hot Springs aims to transport visitors back in time

In its heyday, the Castle Hot Springs, located northwest of Phoenix, was one of the most popular resort destinations in the world. For the last 40 years, the area has been a ghost town, but all of that is about to change. FOX 10's Kari Lake reports.

The risk of realistic military training to civilian air traffic

The United States Armed Forces are often called the best in the world, because they train like the fight, but sometimes, realistic training can create risks for both Air Force pilots, and others using Arizona airspace. FOX 10's John Hook reports.

App could change what it means to start a family

In this day and age, the term "there's an app for that" literally means there is an app for just about everything, including having a baby. FOX 10's Anita Roman reports.

Just how clean is your kid's school cafeteria?

Hundreds of thousands of Arizona students rely on schools to provide food every school day, and with more than half of all students in the state on free or reduced lunch programs, the need for quality is important. But do you know how clean your kid's school cafeteria is? FOX 10's Matt Galka reports.

Some women are learning that freezing eggs is not an insurance policy

The number of women who froze their eggs at U.S. fertility clinics grew by more than 770% between 2009 and 2013. The process is often marketed as a way to preserve female fertility and delay motherhood, but what more women are learning is that freezing their eggs is not an insurance policy. FOX 10's Anita Roman reports.

Law enforcement working to capture illegal reptile poachers

The Sonoran Desert is home to the most diverse reptile population in the country, and there's a group of people who take the animals out of their natural habitats for personal gain. FOX 10's Anita Roman reports.