Roseville man catches five foul balls at Tigers game

Chances of catching a foul ball at Comerica Park are like hitting the lottery, but a Tigers fan from Roseville has done it five times -- and then some.

"I don't think there are any chances, it was just luck. It just happened," says Bill Dugan.

And fans at the Detroit Tigers game followed Bill Dugan's lucky day every step of the way.

You could say the Roseville man, who was sitting in section 125 at Comerica Park was in the right place at the right time - five times.

"I never thought it would happen," he says. "Maybe two, that would be great, but never five."

Some Tigers fans go their whole lives without catching a baseball. Dugan caught a total of five foul balls and with ever catch, the crowd went wild - and Dugan became an instant sensation.

"I wouldn't say celebrity but a lot of people were taking selfies," he says. "They knew what the count was at four and once the fifth one came, it was kind of pandemonium, really."

It didn't take long for Dugan to be surrounded by kids who patiently waited for him to catch each baseball and turn around and give one away.

"Each one I gave to a kid," he says. "Now I would like to track those kids down and give them each a few balls and some money to get all those balls back. I'd like to have those balls back, I'd like to have that collection. Little did I know."

But get this.

Back in 2002, Dugan caught four balls during batting practice and four during the game. On Monday, he broke his own record.

"The usher knows me from being in there a lot and he was telling me 'It's your record, you're going to get five,'" Dugan says. "When it happened I was like, you have got to be kidding me."

Bill was on such a role at the Tigers game, he thought he'd try his luck at the casino.

FOX 2: "Did you win?"

"No, I stayed even so - that's a win," he says.

Bill Dugan shares a ticket package with friends and, like any lifelong loyal Tigers fan, he'll be back with his glove on hand.

FOX 2: "Are you going to try and beat that record?"

"If it happens, I don't think it's going to happen, but who knows," he said.

You can meet Bill by watching Taryn Asher's live video with him here:

Lucky Bill Dugan caught 5 balls at the Detroit Tigers game! FOX 2 Detroit
