Women4Women: Arizona nonprofit hands out menstrual products for women in need

A Tempe-based non-profit is packing essential supplies for women that are not often handed out by other agencies.

"Women are the forgotten people when it comes to homeless or low-income need," said Kay Wright, president of Women4Women. "They have backpack drives, they have food drives, they have shoe drives, but nobody thinks about women's menstrual needs, and it's vital."

Wright started the nonprofit six years ago.

In 2022, the 501c delivered 25,677 of their bags, and this year, from January through July, they have already distributed over 25,000 bags.

The initiative collaborates with over 40 organizations, including those that do homeless outreach, medical facilities, family resource centers, schools, and rehab centers, among others throughout the Phoenix metro area. Partners include the Tempe Public Library and Nourish Phoenix.

"Women 4 Women is a massive help for us at Nourish Phoenix. We've partnered with them for a while now," said a spokesperson for Nourish Phoenix. "They supply both pads and tampons for our clients, and we go through them so quickly I can't even tell you." 

Volunteers assemble the bags, which are filled with essentials like pads, tampons, feminine wipes, and hand wipes.

"The demand is getting bigger," said Wright. "Different organizations are finding out about us and asking for help. We send things up to Navajo Nation. We send pads down to the border." 

Donate: https://women4womentempe.org/


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