Woman dies following road-rage shooting in west Phoenix, suspect sought
PHOENIX - A road-rage shooting that left a woman dead is under investigation in west Phoenix.
The Arizona Department of Public Safety says 18-year-old Brittany Gutierrez-Bugarin of Phoenix was riding in a car as a passenger when she was shot near Interstate 10 and 91st Avenue off-ramp at 12:45 a.m.
Gutierrez-Bugarin was treated at the scene before being taken to a hospital where she later died.
Suspect sought in deadly road-rage shooting
The Arizona Department of Public Safety has released the description of a suspect vehicle in connection to a west Phoenix road-rage shooting that left an 18-year-old woman dead. The vehicle being sought is a silver or gray Chrysler 200. Brittany Gutierrez-Bugarin was killed in the shooting.
The suspect fled the scene after the shooting. The suspect's vehicle is believed to be a silver Chrysler Sebring or Chrysler 200 with black painted rims and/or hubcaps.
The suspect is described as a black man with a thin build and short afro-style hair.
If you have any information, you're asked to call 1-877-4AZ-TIPS, 480-WITNESS or submit a tip online at azdps.gov/tips.
Area where the shooting happened: