Watching and waiting for April the giraffe to have her calf...still

Millions of people around the world are still watching and waiting for April the giraffe to give birth at a park in Harpursville, New York.

April and Oliver are expecting their first calf together, though it will be April's fourth at Animal Adventure Park.

RELATED: April the Giraffe is not in labor...YET

The 15-year-old giraffe is nearing the end of her pregnancy, which is 15 months long.

Park officials say the vet is happy with April's progression and her belly has developed and dropped since last week.

RELATED: Zookeeper describes the birth of a giraffe

Her water has not yet broken, and she is not yet in active labor, but millions around the world continue to watch her progress on a live stream from the park. Those watching the live stream can catch her trainers lovingly interacting with her, the interactions between April and Oliver, and even catch April snacking, or getting closeup and giving "kisses" to the camera. Watchers who look closely can even see April's belly moving.

She has even inspired a mom, almost as pregnant as April, to don a giraffe mask on a live video in a live stream parody that has since gone viral.

Because of the Animal Adventure Park's sudden popularity, they have created a website that centers around April specifically, created a giraffe emoji, and even have an online store to purchase gear.

RELATED: Millions watch, wait for birth of baby giraffe

When the calf is eventually born, it will weigh around 150 pounds and be about 6 feet tall.

MORE: Denver Zoo quietly welcomes adorable baby giraffe named "Dobby"
