TSA urges travelers to update travel ID now to avoid issues next year

We are one week into October, which means there is less than a year before a big change comes to the way you travel by air.

In October of 2020, travelers who like to use their driver's license will have to update it to become federally compliant to fly. The Transportation Security Administration is warning people to do it now to avoid issues later. 

"October 1, 2020, is the federal enforcement date for real ID that means that TSA officers working the checkpoints will be required to make sure travelers have real ID compliant form of identification," said Lorie Dankers, with the TSA.

Dankers says the TSA is making a big push now to avoid issues next year once these new laws take effect. 

"If you have purchased ticket, you're planning to go, I can tell you if you come to the checkpoint without the proper type of identification, they'll be required to turn you away and we don't want to see that," explained Dankers. 

You can still use a passport to get through a TSA checkpoint. You can also use a military ID, but if you like to use your driver's license or state ID, you'll have to get an updated one from the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division with a gold star on it. 

"It's designed to ensure people aren't able to use fraudulent identification and it's also designed to make sure people are who they say they are," says Dankers. 

So far, the Arizona MVD says only about 400,000 people have applied for the travel ID.

"That deadline is going to sneak up on people, there's also going to be a capacity issue people are going to be rushing at the end and now is the time to ensure that you have the right type of identification to fly after October 1, 2020," said Dankers. 

For more information, visit getthegoldstar.com.

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