True Size Plans: Tempe company allows you to see life-sized blueprints

How would you like to step inside your new home before it's even built?

Now, you can, thanks to a Tempe company with new technology that can bring blueprints to life.

What we know:

A lot of factors go into building a house or business from the ground up. We rely on blueprints for all the dimensions and sizing, but what if there was a way to walk through everything before you build?

That's where True Size Plans comes in.

"If you want to see your floor plan in full-sized scale, you're going to send us a PDF format version of it, and we're actually able to blow it up and be within a couple inches of real life-size scale, and you can walk it room to room," said Trent Powell, co-owner of True Size Plans.

The company opened in June last year in Tempe. Powell and his team created a concept, a first of its kind, in the western U.S., allowing people to walk through their blueprints on a life-sized scale.

"When a client is coming in to view any sort of project, what we'd like to do is lay it out across this 4,300 square-foot floor, and we try to put furniture in advance. We also have moving walls, all of this furniture is movable. It really just puts a project into perspective," Powell explained.

'It's pretty incredible'

Dig deeper:

He says the average person, when building, makes five to seven changes, which can cost thousands of dollars. This step allows you to get ahead of those changes before breaking ground.

"Not only can you view your floor plan or business plan in full-sized scale, you can also see, with our other technology, what it looks like for all of your interior design plans. We can project anything, as long as there's a PDF file on the walls," he said.

This is used for not only residential projects, but commercial, landscaping, pools, you name it.

"It converts that into, you know, real life, to be able to walk it and truly experience. Here's the width of my hallway, or here's how big my great room is, the kitchen, or here's how close my island is to that kitchen or even restaurants. How's the layout going to be, and you can truly walk it. It's pretty incredible," Powell said.

If you'd like to learn more about True Size Plans, click here.

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