Tempe's 'House of Tricks' owners announce retirement in June 2022
Tempe's 'House of Tricks' owners announce retirement in June 2022
Downtown Tempe's House of Tricks is closing after more than three decades of business. The owners have chosen to retire, calling the decision "bittersweet." Don't worry, you still have until June 2022 to visit.
TEMPE, Ariz. - It’s been a fan favorite in downtown Tempe for 34 years, but now the owners of the iconic House of Tricks restaurant announced they'll be closing up in June 2022.
Why? The owners are planning to retire and enjoy the next stages of their lives.
Located in the heart of Tempe, you’ll find this hidden gem. House of Tricks has been the site of significant family and professional events, and for its loyal customers, it’s more than just a restaurant.
"My mother-in-law hosted my bridal shower which was roughly seven years ago here on this patio, and we’ve been coming ever since," Lauren Harvey, a customer said. "So sad and to see those special memories that we’ve had here especially for me, you know. You take one last moment to like, remember it all."

Kristine Cassel, a customer of at least a decade, says, "Excellent food because every day is almost a different menu and there’s nothing else like this I would say …"
Owners Bob and Robin Trick announced their plans to retire in June 2022 after years of service and working almost every night since. They want to enjoy the next chapter in their lives.
"It’s kind of hard to talk about it. It’s bittersweet," Robin said.
The property was sold last week, but the restaurant will remain open for dinner and happy hour by leasing it back from the purchaser. But come June of next year, the place will close for good.
"You know, 50 years in the restaurant business, it kind of takes its toll, and it just becomes time to, you know, do something else. There’s so many other things I want to do in life, and it just seemed like the right time," Robin said.
For now, future possibilities for the location remain wide open.
The Tricks have been in the restaurant business for nearly 50 years in Tempe. The core mission of House of Tricks, they say, has been to create a dining experience that goes beyond the meal.
"You got to love what you do, and we do, and we have, and we still do, but we want to do other things too," Robin said.
Read more about the announcement here.
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