Roadhouse Cinemas reopens in Scottsdale
Scottsdale movie theater back in business
In Arizona and across the country, many movie theaters have been closed due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. FOX 10's Jennifer Martinez reports.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - Wednesday marked the first day a movie theater in Scottsdale resumed operation, offering another form of entertainment for Valley residents in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Some people, like Lee Jacobson of Ahwatukee, drove 25 miles to see a movie.
"I go to three movies a week, and I have been jonesing for three months," said Jacobson. "I was kind of freaked out when I saw on the news today that they were opening, and I said 'I'm going!'"
Roadhouse Cinemas is the first movie theater to reopen following stay-at-home orders that were implemented as a result of the pandemic.
"We want to figure out what our new normal is. That's the biggest deal right now," said Azra Pharaktarevic, General Manager of Roadhouse Cinemas.
Like every business across the state, social distancing practices are being followed, with hand sanitizers located in every theater and throughout the building.
"We're doing masks, making sure that all the staff has masks," said Pharaktarevic. "We are also implementing that no one can sit next to each other. So, let's say if you have a family of four and you buy four tickets, the next seats will be blocked automatically, making sure families can still sit together but seats will be blocked."