Phoenix partners with foundation to provide free backyard gardens

The city of Phoenix is looking for residents interested in growing a backyard garden, and you wouldn’t have to spend a penny for installation.

The city partners with different community organizations to run the "Backyard Garden" program. It started during the COVID-19 pandemic and is now expanding.

"We've got more funds. We have $1 million of federal funds to help install 178 gardens in people's backyards," explains Spencer Blake.

The Tiger Mountain Foundation is working with the city.

"Tiger Mountain turns retail spaces in vacant lots into community gardens," says Rodney Smith with the foundation.

They've taken their mission a step further by helping install gardens right in your backyard.

"Not only do they get to experience the fun of gardening, but we bring it right to their home. We have teachers teaching them how to garden " Smith says. "All the tools you need, we provide."

It's all free, and you’ll have the choice between three different types of gardens.

"Some of them are raised beds, some of them are LEHR gardens … linking ecosystem and hardware for regeneration. There’s also an aquaponics system. Think of the ones where you've got floating plants growing in the water and grow fish in the water at the same time because they’re mutually beneficial," Blake said.

In order to qualify for a free garden, you must meet the income requirements.

If you want to become part of the city’s Backyard Garden program, then all you have to do is fill out an application by Aug. 30.

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