Phoenix man hopes to create mobile laundry and shower unit for homeless

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A valley man is asking for the community's help for a big project he's got planned that he says will greatly help the local homeless population.

On any given day, you can find Robert Thornton out and about handing out items like brand new T-shirts and shoes to the local homeless community.

"I just want to let them know people still care about them and to keep going and to give them hope and to keep hope alive in them," Thornton said.

He started Cloud Covered Streets, a non-profit organization about a year and a half ago.

"Our goal is to go out and help the homeless. There were definite times when I was younger where if I didn't have help from my family paying rent, I would definitely be out here on my own," Thornton said.

After getting to really know the men and women out here affected by homelessness, he began to brainstorm how he could help even more.

He came up with the idea of a mobile shower and laundry unit.

He wants it equipped with a laptop and printer, so they could help out with resume writing as well.

"I've been homeless since January 5th and I still haven't taken a shower," Richard said.

Richard has been on the streets since his roommate passed away and he couldn't cover the rent on his own.

"I understand it takes a lot of money, so I'm hoping people will contribute and donate something to the cause," Richard said.

"So many of them say they want jobs, but they say 'How can I go and get a job application looking like this?' and the places that are set up for the homeless to shower, they won't go to. They're so dangerous and dirty and gross. They need to have a place where they're safe," Thornton said.

Thornton has started a GoFundMe Page. He's hoping to raise $176,000 to get the trucks out and about.