Phoenix cafe owner's son desperately needs new kidney

Many who live in Phoenix know about Jewel’s Bakery and Cafe.

The food is incredible, but many do not know that the son of the owner is fighting for his life, and he needs the community's help.

The eatery is the place to go for gluten-free comfort food. On a typical weekend, people willingly wait an hour to get a table. These days, however, the cafe looks a little different. Signs with a kidney on them are up everywhere.

"Last year, we got a diagnosis that he had a rare kidney disease," Julie Moreno said. "It’s an autoimmune disorder which attacks the kidneys."

Moreno is talking about her son, Andrew.

Julie Moreno (left) and her son, Andrew (right)

"Andrew is a very happy kid, always smiling, he just does whatever is needed, he’s a great patient, he loves reading and dinosaurs," Moreno said.

The mom who’s been helping anyone with an autoimmune disease eat tasty food, has a son with an autoimmune disease who now desperately needs the community's help.

"He needs the very best kidney, the very best match, and it has to last him for 20 years," Moreno said.

The 11-year-old needs a healthy kidney from a living donor. Unfortunately, his siblings are not a good match, but someone out in the world is.

"I feel really great about it," Andrew Moreno said.

The family has made it easy to see if you might be a match.

"We’ve had a lot of applications so far just from our social media and customers coming in," Moreno said. "So, we’re hoping with this last push with you guys, we’ll be able to help find his kidney!"

A QR code on the signs at the restaurant or on the t-shirts that his family made will take you to the website, or you can go to and type in Andrew James Moreno.

"I’m just so grateful for my customers and all of the community to be stepping up," Moreno said. "You’re saving his life!"

Another option to see if you’re a match, go to:
