Phoenix area YMCAs offering child care for those who want to get COVID-19 vaccine
Valley YMCAs offering free child care for parents who need to get COVID-19 vaccine
Officials with YMCAs in the Valley say they are offering free child care as a way to provide a safe place for parents or caregivers to drop them off, while they go get vaccinated against COVID-19.
PHOENIX - YMCAs in the Valley are stepping up to help people get vaccinated with their new child care program.
In all, 12 YMCAs in the Valley will offer child care for anyone who wants to go get the vaccine, and doesn’t have the resources to do that.
"Having a child and nowhere to go shouldn’t be a barrier, and that's why The Y is addressing that," said David Burckhard, Executive Director of the Tempe Family YMCA.
The offer is valid throughout June as a way to provide a safe place for parents or caregivers to drop off their kids, while they get vaccinated against COVID-19. The program is staffed
By professionals, and the goal is to help anyone that may want the vaccine the access to do so.
"Personally, I probably know a dozen single moms that come through our doors everyday, whether that's for sports, swim lessons, to live a healthy lifestyle, those single moms that come through my door, it's a barrier we can help take down," said Burckhard.
AZDHS Website for COVID-19 Vaccination
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CDC Website for COVID-19 (In Spanish/En Español)
AZDHS Website for COVID-19 (In Spanish/En Español)