Navajo Rug & Jewelry Show taking place in Scottsdale

Navajo rugs, jewelry and crafts are just some of the gems shoppers can find at the Adopt-A-Native-Elder program's 3rd annual Scottsdale Navajo Rug and Jewelry Show.

"There's over 230 rugs here, representing 70 weavers, some in their 80s, late 80s," said Linda Myers, Founder and Director of the Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program.

What we know:

The event is taking place at the Holland Center in Scottsdale, and it will  run all weekend long, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and admission is free.

The Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program supports artists with about $40,000 of grants that goes towards making their creations come to life.

"This showcase is from some of the finest weavers on the reservation who wove just for this show, and that makes a huge difference in the fact that many of them have no outlet to sell their rugs. They don't travel anymore," said Linda Meyers with the Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program.

Besides rugs on sale, there's also weaving demonstrations and cultural teachings of the Navajo people, including talents like Rena Robertson.

Robertson, who is the featured weaver of this year's show, has been a weaver for over 50 years.

What Robertson Said:

"Sometimes, it takes a month," said Robertson. "It takes time, and when we start weaving, we have to correct our mistakes. It's what we learn in the beginning with wide stripes."

All proceeds from sales will go directly back to the weaver to support their craft.

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