Local church works to beautify Glendale park

GLENDALE, Ariz. (FOX 10) -- Triple-digit temperatures and humidity didn't stop dozens of volunteers from getting outside to help improve an area of Glendale.

Volunteers from the World Mission Society Church of God in Glendale were out in full force Sunday at Ocotillo Rose Park in hopes to beautify the area.

" Just like the bible teaches us we should love one another, we're gathered here to share the love with the community," said Daniel Bravo with World Mission Society Church of God.

Volunteer Alma Roy says just picking up trash and adding a fresh coat of paint can make a world of difference.

"It feels amazing because how many times have you passed by somewhere and thought oh I wish I could make that a better part of Phoenix or a better part of Glendale and many times we don't have that opportunity, so now that we have that opportunity it feels fulfilling on the inside," said Alma Roy, volunteer.

Dozens of young adults worked on the park for hours this morning as a part of their Let's Save the World Movement.

The group also encouraged everyone to do what they can, adding that if every single person just pitched in a little, it could have a big impact.

"It starts with one, it always starts with on, if one of us takes the lea then all of us can gather together, and they're more than welcome to join us anytime they want," said Bravo.

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