2022 Election: Maricopa Co. election officials hold news conference ahead of Election Day; live updates
Maricopa County provides 2022 election updates
The Maricopa County 2022 Elections Command Center is sharing information about the November election, including updates on voter registration and the latest early voting numbers.
PHOENIX - The 2022 general election in Arizona is just over a month away, and to help deliver information, as well as address questions and concerns, Maricopa County election officials are making themselves available to the public through a series of news conferences.
Live updates
October 19
Officials held a news conference to provide updates to voter registration numbers, as well as updates to early voting numbers so far, and detail the signature verification process.
October 4
During the news conference on Oct. 4, officials talked about transparency and security measures.
"For the past year and a half, I’ve tried to be the most transparent elected official possible," said Maricopa County Recorder, Stephen Richer, during the news conference.
The press conference was the first of several planned meetings to deliver information to the public. The office's goal is to become more available and open while addressing any concerns. It comes after a slew of criticisms and myths spread after the 2020 election.
"Hundreds of myths or inaccuracies about the election process," Scott Jarrett said, the Maricopa County election director. "We’ve created a ‘JustTheFacts.vote' website where you can find information that debunks those inaccuracies, but really, if you have questions, if you are skeptical of the process, we actually encourage you to get involved, come figure out, and learn how we do elections."
Days of protests followed the 2020 election, and election officials are stepping up security measures as a precaution. They say poll workers are practicing deescalation techniques and working with law enforcement partners.
"The sheriff's office will have personnel that will be deployed throughout the county that can respond to any issues that we may encounter through the election process," Jarrett said.
"I made it my commitment at the beginning of my term as chair, that this will be the most transparent election in the history of Maricopa County and that’s what it is, and it will be," said Bill Gates, Chairman of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
(Related Video) Full press conference: Maricopa County update on November election
Officials with Maricopa County held a news conference on Oct. 4 about the Automatic Early Voting List (AEVL), maintenance of voter rolls, and what to expect as ballots are mailed out.
Important election dates
The deadline to register to vote in the November election has passed: the deadline was Oct. 11.
A ballot logic and accuracy test took place on Oct. 11.
Read More: Maricopa County voting machines undergo routine 'logic and accuracy test' ahead of midterm elections
Early ballots, meanwhile, were starting to be shipped out as of Oct. 12.
Starting on Oct. 12, elections officials are opening Early Vote Centers via a phased approach.
Officials say once a person submits their ballot, they can track it online, every step of the way.
"The reason that we’ve stood up this command structure is in the interest of further transparency. We want to get out ahead of the misinformation and the disinformation that might be spread out there and instead be here to answer your questions," Gates said. "We’ve got to make sure that people understand the truth, the facts. That’s our role here."
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