LIST: Arizona school districts with mask requirements
PHOENIX - The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its mask guidance on July 27 to recommend that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 resume wearing masks indoors in parts of the country with high levels of the virus. The public health agency also advised everyone in K-12 schools to wear masks regardless of vaccination status.
Schools in Maricopa, Coconino, Pinal, Apache, Cochise, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Navajo, Pima, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai counties have posted frequently asked questions, mitigation plans, and information regarding mask mandates during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on their websites.
This is a developing list of school districts. Check back for updates.
Arizona Department of Education
"Universal and correct use of masks is the top mitigation strategy for safe in-person learning as recommended by the CDC. ADE strongly encourages all individuals in public schools to wear masks on campus and during school-associated activities.
School buses are subject to the specific federal order that requires masks on all conveyances in the United States. Guidance on this order is available from the CDC and the U.S. Department of Transportation. ADE is unable to provide legal advice and districts should consult with their attorneys to ensure they are following federal law.
Public school districts and charters on or adjacent to tribal lands and those with staff and students affiliated with Arizona’s federally recognized tribal nations are encouraged to honor tribal public health orders. You can find more guidance from the ADE Office of Policy and Government Relations here."
- Read more:
- State of Arizona COVID-19 Hotline: 1-844-542-8201
Maricopa County
Agua Fria Union High School District #216
Required: No
"Wearing a mask is optional for staff, students and visitors at all school campuses and District Departments, including school buses. Everyone on campus will be required to have a face mask in their possession. It is recommended, but not required, that they are worn anytime an individual wants to protect themselves or others." - Read more
Alhambra Elementary School District #68
Required: Yes
"Everyone will be required to wear a face-covering indoors regardless of vaccination status when in a group setting unless they qualify for an exemption under AESD regulations." Read more
ASU students move back to campus amid rising COVID-19 cases
Just days after Arizona State University announced they will mandate masks in indoor settings, freshman students of the Barrett Honors College moved into their new dorms for the fall semester.
Arizona State University
ASU is recommending that everyone wear a face covering when inside university buildings. Face coverings will be required in certain settings when distancing may not be possible, including:
- Classrooms and teaching or research labs where distancing is not possible.
- All ASU clinical programs and centers that serve the general public, such as the ASU Health Centers, Child Development Laboratory, and Counselor Training Center (the "Programs"), whether on- or off-campus.
- Meeting rooms, workshop, design or production studios, and other indoor settings where distancing is not possible.
- Read more
Avondale Elementary School District #44
Required: No
"It will remain up to the individual and/or parent decision for mask wearing in our facilities. We have had great success in the past with masks being an effective mitigation strategy and continue to encourage individuals who are not fully vaccinated or who have underlying conditions to continue to wear masks." - Read more
Balsz Elementary School District #31
Required: No
"Effective June 30, 2021, counties, cities, towns, schools and school districts are prohibited from requiring students or staff to wear face coverings during school hours and on school property. Schools are also prohibited from requiring a vaccine for students and staff to participate in in-person instruction.
While this decision means that students and staff are no longer required to wear face coverings in Balsz Elementary School District, we encourage anyone who has not been vaccinated to follow the guidance of health officials by wearing a face covering. Anyone who chooses to wear a face covering for any reason has the option to do so at any time," stated Zeek Ojeh, Acting Superintendent - Read more
MORE: Coronavirus in Arizona: Latest case numbers
Brophy College Prep to require vaccinations or bi-weekly testing
Brophy College Prep is requiring students, staff and teachers to get vaccinated and to wear masks.
Brophy College Preparatory
Required: Varies
"Effective Monday, August 9, all students who plan to participate in overnight retreats or school-related travel outside of the Phoenix area must be vaccinated and have proof of vaccination on file."
"When indoors, everyone on campus will need to wear a mask through Friday, September 10 (unless alone in a classroom or office). Masks are optional in all outdoor areas. I realize, and share, the frustration this news might cause vaccinated members of our community. However, in light of the current surge and until we have a better sense of the vaccination rate among students, we will wear masks indoors in order to reduce illness and quarantine. Beginning Monday, September 13, masks will be optional," stated Bob Ryan, Principal - Read more
Buckeye Union High School District #201
Required: No
"Face Coverings and masks will be optional for both students and staff on all of our campuses in accordance with state law. Anyone who has concerns or desires to wear a face covering while on our campuses is encouraged to do so," stated Steve Bebee, Superintendent - Read more
Cartwright Elementary School District #83
Required: Yes
"Last night our governing board members voted unanimously to require masks throughout the district. Effective today, August 19th, the Cartwright School District will require all students, staff, and visitors to wear masks when indoors unless there is written medical documentation as to why one would not be able to do so. This requirement will remain in place until further notice. "
"Concerns surrounding the COVID-19 Delta variant, as well as its accelerated spread, prompted board members to vote on this topic last night with safety at the forefront of their minds. The vaccination rates in our community are still low, and our transmission rate is at a high level and has stayed that way for several months. Concerned parents have also asked for a mask mandate from district leadership and we pride ourselves in listening to our families." - Read more
Cave Creek Unified School District #93
Required: No
"It is recommended that masks be worn in schools currently by the CDC and the Maricopa County Department of Public Health. We recommend and encourage families in CCUSD to discuss this with their children and make the best decision for them. Although face coverings are strongly encouraged, all students, staff and individuals have the option to wear face coverings." - Read more
Chandler Unified School District #80
Required: No
"Although we cannot mandate mask wearing, students and staff are strongly encouraged to use face coverings to help prevent the spread at school." - Read more
Creighton Elementary School District #14
Required: Yes
"In an effort to protect our students, staff and community from the COVID-19 Delta variant and the rise in positive COVID-19 cases within our zip codes, Creighton School District will be enforcing our existing mask requirement of universal indoor masking, regardless of vaccination status which will include an opt out provision. Health agencies at the county, state and federal level, including the Center for Disease Control (CDC), all recommend universal masking in schools as an important mitigation measure to slow the spread of COVID-19 and especially the new Delta variant.
If this requirement is not a fit for your family, please call your principal to discuss available options." - Read more
Deer Valley Unified School District #97
Required: Varies
Face masks are optional. Exceptions to face masks being optional are:
- Students and staff must continue to wear face masks when on school buses due to federal requirements by the Centers for Disease Control and the Transportation Security Administration.
- Symptomatic students and staff will be required to use them in the nurse’s office.
- Students who refuse to wear a face mask during required times are subject to discipline.
- Read more
Dysart Unified School District #89
Required: No
"Dysart encourages face coverings for students, staff and visitors, but pursuant to section 12, title 15, chapter 3 of the Arizona state budget, they are not required." - Read more
Fountain Hills Unified School District #98
Required: No
"We are here to support you; however, parents are ultimately responsible for their child’s health and well-being. We are not requiring masks or vaccinations to return to school. We encourage you to discuss vaccinations with your family's medical care team." - Read more
MAP: Arizona Coronavirus cases by zip code
Fowler Elementary School District #45
Required: No
"We need to work together to decrease these numbers. We need to do our best to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations. One recommendation is for those who are 12 and older to be vaccinated. Another is to wear a mask indoors in public if you are in an area of substantial or high transmission. We need to do our part to protect children under the age of 12 and people with weakened immune systems or underlying medical conditions." - Read more
Gilbert Unified School District #41
Required: No
"Face coverings will be optional for staff and students based on section 15-342.05 passed into law with the state budget." - Read more
Glendale Elementary School District #40
Required: Yes
"We are now seeing evidence that the virus has spread at some of our schools. If these trends in our District and communities continue, our ability to safely provide in-person learning will be impacted. We are again asking for everyone to practice prevention strategies to help slow the spread."
"Effective Wednesday, August 18, 2021, through Tuesday, September 28, 2021, the Glendale Elementary School District will require face coverings indoors at all school sites and district facilities," stated Cindy Segotta-Jones, Superintendent - Read more
Glendale Union High School District #205
Required: No
"While it is incumbent upon the district to follow state law, which does not allow school districts to make masks mandatory, we acknowledge that wearing masks is an effective mitigation strategy to help communities slow the spread of COVID when worn consistently and correctly.
Therefore, we are strongly recommending that everyone wear a mask while indoors at any of our schools.
Masks are required by federal order on school buses and other forms of public transportation. Following this federal order, GUHSD will require face masks while on school buses." - Read more
Higley Unified School District #60
Required: No
"In accordance with House Bill 2898, HUSD cannot mandate mask wearing. However, we strongly encourage the use of face coverings to help prevent the spread at our schools. The best way we have found to keep COVID-19 off our campuses is to be vigilant and to stay home when you are not feeling well. We need your help to keep our schools healthy." Read more
Isaac Elementary School District #5
Required: No
"Cloth face coverings (masks) are highly encouraged for non-vaccinated individuals." - Read more
Kyrene School District #28
Required: Yes, starting Aug. 17
"Effective August 17, Kyrene School District will require face coverings indoors for any school in Level 1 Mitigation or above. Level 1 is defined by "substantial" community transmission, based on school zip code. At this time, with all Kyrene schools experiencing Level 2, "high" transmission, face coverings will be required for all students, staff and visitors, District wide, while indoors. More information can be found at"
Laveen Elementary School District #59
Required: No
"While state law prohibits school districts from requiring face masks and gives parents the option of sending their children to school wearing a face mask, we strongly recommend that masks be worn while indoors on our school campuses. This recommendation is supported by the CDC, Arizona Department of Health Services, MCDPH, and the American Academy of Pediatrics." - Jeff Sprout, Superintendent - Read more
Liberty Elementary School District #25
Required: No
"Masks are now recommended, but not required in all district facilities and vehicles for staff, students, and visitors." - Read more
Litchfield Elementary School District #79
Required: Yes
The Litchfield Elementary School District school board voted Tuesday to enact an indoor mask mandate beginning Aug. 19. The mandate will run through Sept. 28.
The mandate applies to students, staff, and anyone inside a district building, including visitors. - Watch the Aug. 17 district meeting
Littleton Elementary School District #65
Required: No
Masks are optional - Read more
Madison School District #38
Required: Yes, until Sept. 29
"The District will require masking indoors on all school properties until September 29, 2021. Parent and families can opt out from this requirement through the school’s health office." - Read more
Maricopa County Community College District reinstates mask mandate
The Maricopa County Community College District joined Arizona universities on Thursday by announcing that masks must be worn indoors at all 10 of its campuses, regardless of vaccination status.
Maricopa Community Colleges
Required: Yes
"MCCCD has updated mask guidelines, requiring face coverings to be worn indoors at any facilities across our 10 Maricopa Community Colleges and District offices." - Read more
Mesa Public Schools #4
Required: No
"Face coverings are recommended and will be available for anyone who wants one. This aligns with state law." - Read more
Murphy Elementary School District #21
Required: No
"..we are not requiring our staff and/or students to wear masks; however, we will continue to strongly encourage the use of personal protection equipment for all, but will not make this mandatory in our district," stated Dennis E. Goodwin, Superintendent - Read more
More school districts in Phoenix area approve mask requirements for students
As the state sees a new surge in COVID-19 cases, more school districts are defying a state ban on school mask mandates. FOX 10's Matt Galka has the details on decisions from the Phoenix Union Elementary, Creighton, and Osborn districts.
Osborn Elementary School District #8
Required: Yes
"Face coverings are mandated in school settings, for all staff, students, and parents indoors on campus. We will continue to provide face masks in all district offices, schools, and classrooms should anyone forget. Parents who wish to opt out may fill out a form in the health office at their school. Face masks are required on Osborn buses. Our drivers will be prepared to provide a face mask to any student who forgets theirs for the ride to or from school," stated Michael Robert, Superintendent - Read more
Palo Verde Elementary School District #49
Required: No
"Due to the Governor and School Board decision, masks are optional." - Read more
Paradise Valley Unified School District #69
Required: Yes
When a COVID-19 positive and close contact are both wearing a mask, quarantine is not required. Therefore, PVSchools will update its mitigation plan requiring face masks for students, staff, and visitors while indoors at all school sites through September 28, 2021. There will be a limited opt-out option for students and staff. - Read more.
Pendergast Elementary School District #92
Required: No
"Although recent Executive Orders and state legislation prohibits us from requiring students and staff to use face coverings during school hours and on school property, there is a current federal order in place that requires face coverings on school busses. Per recent guidance from county and federal public health departments, we will continue to recommend but won’t require staff and students to wear a face covering during school hours and on school property. As part of our ongoing commitment to student and staff health, we will not have visitors on campus until health conditions in our community have improved. To view our Safe Return to In-Person Instruction & Continuity of Services Plan, please visit:," stated Jennifer Cruz, Superintendent - Read more
Peoria Unified School District #11
Required: Varies
"Masks will continue to be optional, but are recommended for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals while indoors, during times of substantial or high transmission, per the CDC and Arizona Department of Health Services. You can view the transmission rates in our community on the Maricopa County Department of Public Health dashboard (MCDPH) for schools. Despite these recommendations, under Arizona State law (A.R.S. § 15-342.05), Peoria Unified cannot require face coverings for students or staff inside our school and district buildings.
Peoria Unified’s legal counsel recently clarified a federal order requiring masks on public transportation to include school buses and district vehicles. They advised the district that the federal order should be understood to supersede the contradictory state law. Starting tomorrow [Aug. 1], face coverings will be required on all school buses, district vehicles and any transportation contracted by Peoria Unified until we are told otherwise." - Read more
Phoenix Elementary School District #1
Required: Yes
"The recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) includes having all individuals wear face coverings while indoors, including schools, and the Phoenix Elementary School District believes this is one viable option to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses we see at the beginning of a school year like the common cold, strep throat, and the flu. Effective August 3, 2021, all children, staff, and visitors are required to wear face coverings while at school, on school buses, and at all District facilities." - Read more
Phoenix Union High School District reinstates mask mandate
"In an effort to protect our staff, students, and the community, PXU has a good faith belief that following guidance from the CDC and other health agencies regarding mitigation strategies is imperative," the district said in a news release on July 30.
Phoenix Union High School District
Required: Yes
"All students, staff, parents/guardians and community are required to wear a face mask while indoors in the presence of others on PXU property regardless of vaccination status." - Read more
Riverside Elementary School District #2
Required: Varies
"Face masks are required upon entering our campus. All staff will be wearing a face mask at all times to ensure our students' safety. All students will receive a 100% cotton reusable face mask... Face masks are required upon entering classrooms." Read more.
Roosevelt School District #66
Required: Yes
"Following this evening’s Governing Board Meeting, Roosevelt School District will require all students, staff, and visitors to wear a face mask per CDC guidelines. This decision allows Roosevelt School District to follow guidance from state and federal health agencies to ensure that we continue to make decisions to protect the health and safety our students, staff, families, and community. Our team will continue to monitor the increase in COVID-19 cases in our South Phoenix community. Thank you for your ongoing support." - Read more
Scottsdale Unified parents protest against mask mandate, more mandates confirmed
Parents protested outside an empty Scottsdale Unified School District hoping their anti-mask mandate message reaches the school board. The board held a virtual meeting to discuss the mandate.
Scottsdale Unified School District #48
Required: Yes
"SUSD strongly recommends that both vaccinated and unvaccinated parents wear a mask when indoors on school campus." - Read more
Tempe Elementary School District
Required: Yes
"Beginning tomorrow, August 17, the Tempe Elementary School District will require all students, staff and visitors to wear face coverings while indoors. Face coverings are not required while outdoors. We will continue to provide face coverings to any student who needs one," stated James Driscoll, Superintendent - Read more
Tempe Union High School District #213
Required: Yes
"Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, August 17, 2021, the Tempe Union High School District will require face coverings indoors at all of our school sites as well as the District Office." - Read more
Tolleson Elementary School District #17
Required: No
"You have many choices to make for your family, and I encourage you to consider them carefully. In Arizona, it is a choice to wear a mask, yet we highly recommend the use of face masks indoors and on buses. Additionally, In Tolleson ESD, we have Tolleson Virtual Academy as a choice to engage in distance/online learning or to attend one of our four in-person learning schools," stated Lupita Hightower, Superintendent - Read more
Union Elementary School District #62
Required: No
"Recent changes to Arizona Law prohibited a Local Governing Board from mandating masking in schools. However, because most of our students are under 12 and not eligible for vaccinations, to start the year we will be highly recommending and encouraging masking indoors. Masking helped us get us through the peak of the pandemic and it will carry us through until the spread of COVID is gone. We encourage parents to support our efforts to eliminate COVID from our schools and community by supporting their student in wearing a mask in school buildings.
Masking while on all forms of public transportation is still a federal mandate. Therefore, until further direction is provided, we will require masking on District transportation," stated Kristine Morris, Superintendent - Read more
With mask mandate in place, Washington Elementary School District starts new school year
School is now officially in session in the Washington Elementary School District and students showed up to class with masks. FOX 10's Steve Nielsen has the details.
Washington Elementary School District
Required: Yes
"At a special meeting yesterday [Aug. 4] afternoon, the WESD Governing Board voted to modify the district’s plan to include a provision that masks be required at all district facilities for both students and staff while they are indoors."
"Families who wish for their child to opt out of the WESD’s face mask requirement must complete the Permission to Opt Out of Face Covering Requirement" form. The student’s parent/legal guardian must present this signed form to the school office to verify identification.
The opt out does not apply to school bus riders, as face masks are required per a CDC order," stated Paul Stanton, Superintendent - Read more
Wickenburg Unified School District #9
Required: No
"The Wickenburg Unified School District COVID-19 Mitigation Plan has been updated. The new plan includes an updated definition of "physical distancing" and makes face masks recommended but optional for all students, staff and visitors to our sites, with a few exceptions. Students and staff riding in or operating school vehicles, including school buses will be required to wear a face mask, if physical distancing cannot be maintained." - Read more
Xavier College Preparatory
Required: No
The 2021-2022 student handbook states, "Barring any future unprecedented events, masks are optional per parental/student discretion." - Read more
Coconino County
Flagstaff Unified School District
Required: Yes
"The Flagstaff Unified School District requires that all persons wear a face mask while indoors on school property which conforms with recommendations by the CDC and state and local health officials due to high transmission rates of the Delta variant of COVID-19 in our community." - Read more
Northern Arizona University
Required: Varies
In a town hall meeting held over Zoom on Aug. 11, NAU President Cruz Rivera said, " addition to our strong recommendations that everyone, regardless of their vaccination status, wear a mask indoors at all NAU facilities; we will require face coverings in certain settings, including all classrooms and teaching or research labs, and other indoor and outdoor settings for physical distancing may not be possible. More information on the implementation of this policy will be provided in our 'Jacks are Back' portal in the coming days." - Read more.
Page Unified School District #8
Required: Varies
"Mask use is highly recommended rather than required for students, staff and visitors in district buildings. Mask use is required for all students, staff, and others on all school transportation (e.g. School buses, sporting activities, and out of town travel). Mask use is not recommended while outside." - Read more
Tuba City Unified School District #15
Required: Varies
- Transportation: Students and staff " wear cloth face coverings when on a school bus unless a health condition prevents this."
- Classrooms: "Position desks 3 feet apart unless that spacing is not possible due to the size of the classroom and the number of students assigned to it. If desks cannot be positioned 3 feet apart, required face coverings, unless a health condition prohibits this."
- Read more
Williams Unified School District #2
Required: No
"If a person wishes to wear a mask on campus, we will support that decision to do so. We will create a climate on our campuses that allows for and tolerates individual choice(s), while protecting individual health rights and health information," stated Eric Evans, Superintendent - Read more
Pinal County
Casa Grande Elementary School District #4
Required: No
"Mask use for all Students, Staff, and Guests will be optional while on campus and at school related activities. Mask use is encouraged/recommended for close proximity, small group activities, however usage is still optional." - Read more
Casa Grande Union High School District
Required: No
"Per Arizona Governor Ducey, school district governing boards cannot require a student or teacher to receive a vaccine for COVID-19 or to wear a face covering to participate in in-person instruction. Also, students, staff, and visitors to the high schools have the option of whether to wear a mask for additional personal safety. Currently, the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) recommend that masks be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older), whether fully vaccinated or not," stated Anna Battle, Interim Superintendent - Read more
Coolidge Unified School District
Required: No
"Although masks are not mandated, we continue to strongly encourage the use of face-coverings while indoors to help reduce transmission," stated Dawn Dee Hodge, Superintendent - Read more
Eloy Elementary School District
Required: No
EESD has not adopted a policy on masks. - Read more
Florence Unified School District
"On Monday, April 19, 2021 Governor Ducey rescinded Executive Order 2020-51 requiring all schools to develop and enforce a face covering policy. In response to the removal of this mandate, FUSD no longer requires all students and staff to wear a face covering while on school campus. However, in accordance with CDC guidance, face coverings are still highly recommended for staff and students while indoors and when not able to socially distance." - Read more
J. O. Combs Unified School District
Required: No
"We continue to ask all students, staff, and families for your help in reducing the spread of COVID-19. This includes emphasizing frequent hand washing, staying home when sick, and being transparent about potential COVID testing and exposure. Although we cannot mandate mask wearing, students and staff are also strongly encouraged to use face coverings at school to help prevent transmission," stated Gregory A. Wyman, Superintendent - Read more
Mammoth-San Manuel Unified School District
Required: Varies
"Bus staff and students may be asked to wear face coverings on buses when physical distancing cannot be kept due to bus load. Please have your child come with a face mask in the event this occurs."
"The AZ Department of Health Services says that if you are fully vaccinated you do not have to wear a mask outside or if you can maintain a 3 ft social distancing. However, if you have not been vaccinated it is recommended that students always wear a mask. Students are required to have their own mask, but if they should show up to the bus or school without one, they can be provided a mask. The school will provide one reusable mask for students." - Read more
Maricopa Unified School District #20
Required: No
"Masks are optional indoors and outdoors. All employees, students, and visitors who are not fully vaccinated are encouraged to wear face coverings, but it is not required." - Read more
Oracle Elementary School District #2
Required: No
"As of July 1, 2021, Arizona schools are lawfully not permitted to require face masks to be worn on school campuses. Therefore, students, staff, and visitors to Mountain Vista K-8 School will not be required to wear face masks while on campus or while on school buses. Any student, staff member, or visitor that chooses to wear a face mask will be allowed to do so. Face masks will be available for any student, staff member, or visitor that asks for a face mask," stated Crystle Nehrmeyer, Superintendent and Shannon Soule, Principal at Mountain Vista K-8 School - Read more
Red Rock Elementary School District #5
Required: No
"On June 30, the Governor signed HB2989, which prohibits public schools from mandating masks during school hours and on school property. As a result, whether a child wears a mask in school is a decision that is left to our Red Rock families. We welcome and encourage masks. Per the CDC, "Masks should be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated. Consistent and correct mask use by people who are not fully vaccinated is especially important indoors and in crowded settings, when physical distancing cannot be maintained." The CDC suggests that no masks are necessary outdoors for all students, regardless of their age." - Read more
Santa Cruz Valley Union High School District #840
Required: No
On the bus, arrival at school, and in class: face masks are strongly recommended, but not required. - Read more
Stanfield Elementary School District #24
Required: Varies
"Students are encouraged to wear cloth face coverings as often as possible and cloth face coverings will be required in certain situations unless a health condition prevents it. If a health condition prevents wearing a cloth face covering, the school will communicate with parent and student to find an appropriate alternative, which may include distance learning. Cloth face coverings are not surgical masks or other medical personal protective equipment.
Students are required to wear cloth face coverings, subject to the health condition exception stated above, when physical space does not allow for maintenance of 3 feet of space between individuals. Students will not be required to wear cloth face coverings during physical activities and when social distancing is maintainable, though they may voluntarily wear face coverings at any time.
Students should bring their own cloth face coverings to and from school, but the school will have a limited supply available to provide students who cannot afford or do not have their own coverings. Any student who has difficulty breathing or who is incapable of physically removing the mask on his/her own, will not wear cloth face coverings and alternative methods of protection will be discussed by parents and staff." - Read more
Superior Unified School District
Required: No
"Masks will be optional, but we encourage anyone who has not been vaccinated to wear a mask," stated Stephen Estatico, Superintendent - Read more
Apache County
Ganado Unified School District #20
Required: Yes
"All persons, including, but not limited to, staff, students, vendors, visitors, and volunteers, shall wear a cloth face covering while on any District property, in any District facility, at any District event, whether indoors or outdoors, and in any District vehicle, including District buses or vehicles rented or leased by the District," stated Betsy Dobias, Superintendent - Read more
Red Mesa Unified School District #27
Required: Yes
"Everyone is required by the Navajo Nation and the Governors Executive Order to properly wear a facemask while on campus, (the district will have facemasks on hand for individuals who need one.)" - Read more
Sanders Unified School District #18
Required: Varies
"All students over the age of five (5) are required to wear face masks in schools per Navajo Nation guidelines. All students and staff are required to wear face masks when interacting with others and when moving to or acting in communal spaces." - Read more
Vernon Elementary School District #9
Required: No
"Our updated protocols for COVID-19 are posted on our website, however, the CDC is changing recommendations frequently, so our plan is also subject to change. As a general summary, masks are recommended for staff, students, and parents in schools (not required at this time), students will practice hand washing and respiratory etiquette, and social distancing is recommended at three feet," stated Chad Knippen, Superintendent - Read more
Window Rock Unified School District #8
Required: Yes
"All students, staff and visitors are required to wear a face mask while in school and district buildings." - Read more
Cochise County
Bisbee Unified School District #2
Required: No
"We are highly recommending that all students and staff wear masks during the school day if they are not vaccinated. Vaccinated persons may want to wear masks when they are in any area that is crowded. This recommendation is for school and areas out in the community where they might come into contact with someone who is positive for Covid. Due to increasing COVID-19 cases in Cochise County and clarification on CDC guidelines, beginning tomorrow (8/4/2021), any student using district transportation will be required to wear a mask on the buses. Thank you for your cooperation." - Read more
Cochise County Community College District
Required: No
Face Coverings and Social Distancing will follow the CDC guidance. Faculty, staff, students and community visitors should educate themselves and make their personal decisions on these matters, based on their individual situation. Face Coverings and Social Distancing, while not required, will be encouraged for those unvaccinated, health compromised or desiring extra protection. - Read more
Douglas Unified School District #27
Required: No
"Our students and staff may wear a mask if desired. CDC guidelines and Cochise County Health Department advice that individuals who are not vaccinated continue to wear a mask. However, masks will be optional at DUSD," stated Ana C. Samaniego, Superintendent - Read more
McNeal Elementary School District #55
Required: No
"Masking is no longer required for students or staff, though it is highly recommended as the new Delta variant of Covid-19 is much more transmissible. We do encourage all non-vaccinated individuals, students and staff to continue to wear a mask. All visitors will be required to wear a mask," stated Ron Aguallo, Superintendent - Read more
Tombstone Unified School District #1
Required: No
"TUSD mask usage is currently optional, we are still vigorously disinfecting and sanitizing all campuses and district vehicles." - Read more
Valley Union High School District #22
Required: No
"The VUHS school board determined that, at this time, VU will not offer an 'online school option.' Also, they've determined that masks will be optional on VU campus, at the option of the wearer. Going forward, these determinations are subject to change, based on information from the Centers for Disease Control and the Arizona Department of Public Health Services." - Read more
Gila County
Globe Unified School District #1
Required: No
The school posted an infographic on their website, stating "Help us stay in school. Together, we can keep each other safe and healthy and in school," and "Wear your mask (Masks are recommended in school)." - Read more
Hayden-Winkelman School District #41
Required: Varies
Students and staff are required to wear cloth face coverings subject to health conditions:
- When physical space does not allow for maintenance of 6 feet of space between individuals. Students will not be required to wear cloth face coverings during physical activities and when social distancing is maintainable, though they may voluntarily wear face coverings at any time.
- Any student who has difficulty breathing or who is incapable of physically removing the face covering on his/her own will not wear cloth face coverings, and alternate methods of protection will be discussed by parents and staff.
- Read more
Miami Unified School District #40
Required: Yes
"At the August 9, 2021 Governing Board meeting, the Board voted to mandate the wearing of masks while inside District buildings. The District hopes this is short-term. However, with the increase of COVID-19 positive cases in our District, wearing masks will help keep our students and staff healthy. Masks are required beginning Monda,y August 16, 2021," stated Sherry Dorathy, Superintendent - Read more
Graham County
Fort Thomas Unified School District
Required: Varies
"Due to the new mask mandate on the San Carlos Tribe lands, all students and employees will comply with the mask mandate while on tribal lands. This includes travel to and from school. However, due state law, once a student or employee is off tribal lands, masks will be recommended, but cannot be mandatory. Please keep in mind, anyone student or employee that chooses to wear a mask no matter where they are, is welcome and encouraged to do so," stated Kristen Walker, Federal Programs Director/Special Education Director - Read more
Safford Unified School District #1
Required: Varies
Transportation: When bus capacity will not allow for one student per row and an empty row between students, require students to wear cloth face coverings when on a school bus unless a health condition prevents this. Require staff to wear cloth face coverings when on a school bus unless a health condition prevents this.
- Position desks 6 feet apart unless that spacing is not possible due to the size of the classroom and the number of students assigned to it. If desks cannot be positioned 6 feet apart, consider requiring cloth face coverings for staff and optional for students, unless a health condition prohibits this.
- Position desks to face the same direction rather than facing each other. Do not use large tables for groups of students unless this is the only option. If this is the case, the district may consider requiring cloth face coverings.
- Read more
Greenlee County
Duncan Unified School District #2
Required: No
"I can’t mandate mask wearing, but will highly recommend masks when the cases in our school or community become significantly higher than normal," stated D. Eldon Merrell, Superintendent - Read more
La Paz County
Parker Unified School District #27
Required: Varies
"Governor Ducey has repealed the mask mandate and AZ Legislature has passed legislation allowing mask use to be optional in public schools. Therefore, the wearing of masks while at school, on the bus, at athletic events is optional. Face Coverings are optional when outside (on playground) and social distancing is able to happen. Masks are not required on any campus of Parker Unified."
"Only one set of parents will be in the offices at a time. This is to keep the number of people in close contact to each other to a minimum. You may be asked to wear a mask if you go onto the campus to visit. This is for the safety of the children and our staff. The new law does not say anything about visitors not wearing a mask, only staff and students." - Read more
Salome Consolidated Elementary School District #30
Required: No
"We have lifted the COVID-19 protocols for the 2021–22 school year. We will resume our regular schedule without mask requirements and spacing protocols," stated Susan Rohrig, Superintendent - Read more
Mohave County
Bullhead City Elementary School District #15
Required: Varies
If health concerns warrant:
- Students and staff will implement more stringent hygiene protocols (temperatures taken, health screening questions, masking may be required)*
- Visitation is allowed with hygiene protocols (temperature taken, health screening questions, masks may be required, respect for others’ space, hand washing/sanitizing). Refusal to be screened is cause for denial of visitation.*
- *Based on recommendations from CDC, ADHS, federal, state and local agencies.
- Read more
Lake Havasu Unified School District #1
Required: No
"Face coverings are no longer required for staff, students or visitors; however, anyone wishing to wear a mask is welcome to do so. We will continue to have masks available on buses and in schools if needed/requested," stated Rebecca Stone, Superintendent - Read more
Mohave Valley Elementary School District #16
Required: No
"As you know, face-coverings are no longer a requirement by the State of Arizona (HB2898 - Laws 2021, Ch. 404, Sec. 12) when attending school for students or staff members. Schools are also prohibited from requiring vaccines. Although masks will not be required, they will continue to be optional and encouraged for those who choose to wear them. In saying that, over the past few weeks, we have seen dramatic increases in COVID-19 cases, positivity, and transmission across Mohave County and especially in our local areas. Please see our website for specific data trends provided by Mohave County Health Services and the Arizona Department of Health Services ( Just yesterday [July 27], the CDC released mitigation guidance regarding the ‘universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to schools, regardless of vaccination status.’ In response to this, MVESD highly recommends and encourages the use of face-coverings and other CDC guidelines as precautionary measures while on campus and riding our busses," stated Cole Young, Superintendent - Read more
Peach Springs Unified School District
Required: No
"If you are not vaccinated for COVID-19.. please help us reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please wear your face mask out of respect and the safety of others. Thank you." - Read more
Valentine Elementary School District
Required: No
"With the recent increase of cases of the COVID-19 Delta variant, I wanted to reassure you that your and your student's health and safety is a top priority, and we will continue to implement many of our mitigation strategies. Although the Arizona Legislature passed ARS § 15-342.05 prohibiting schools from requiring face coverings, we will continue to honor your decision if you choose to have your student wear one. As has always been the case, you are our first line of defense by making the decision to keep your student home if there are symptoms of infection, particularly a fever," stated Cliff Angle, Superintendent - Read more
Navajo County
Blue Ridge Unified School District
Required: No
"Mask-wearing is not required for students or teachers. Face coverings at work are optional for all other staff members. Our schools, including classrooms and other facilities, do not have the physical space to achieve meaningful physical distancing. Therefore, students or staff concerned about contracting the virus are encouraged to wear a mask and be vaccinated." - Read more
Heber-Overgaard Unified School District #6
Required: No
"Wear a mask where/when appropriate." Officials say students and teachers may wear a mask at any time they feel it is needed, especially when physical distancing is not obtainable. - Read more
Holbrook Unified School District #3
Required: No
"Masks will be optional based on student and parents choice," stated Robert Koerperich, Superintendent - Read more
Winslow Unified School District #1
Required: No
"It is our goal as a District to provide a safe environment for staff and students. Having students back in the classroom will make a difference in their learning experience as well as their mental health. As a public school district we cannot mandate masks per Governor Ducey, however, staff and students have the option of wearing a mask. Each school also has barriers available for students to use at their desk and in the cafeteria," stated Connie G. Gover, Superintendent - Read more
Pima County
Altar Valley School District #51
Required: No
"Beginning July 1, 2021, face-coverings will be optional though still recommended for those not vaccinated. Please view our mitigation plan for more information located at:," stated David Dumon, Superintendent
Amphitheater Public Schools #10
Required: No
"Face coverings will be optional for everyone on school property, including on buses. All choices regarding mask will be respected." - Read more
Catalina Foothills School District #16
Required: Yes, indoors
"..effective Tuesday, August 17, we are requiring universal indoor masking by all students, staff, teachers, and visitors/volunteers on all CFSD campuses, regardless of vaccination status. Outdoors, masks will continue to be optional.
Tanque Verde Unified School District #13
Required: No
"Face coverings will no longer be required for any student or staff member; however, masks may be worn. Face coverings will not be required in any educational space or activity including school buses, athletics, etc. Face masks will be available for distribution upon request. PCHD still strongly recommends that all individuals wear face coverings when indoors at school and on school buses." - Read more
Tucson Unified School District #1
Required: No
TUSD recommends masks to be required for staff, students and visitors when on TUSD property. - Read more
University of Arizona
Required: Varies
"Based on the current health conditions and aligned with CDC guidance as well as our commitment to deliver in-person learning at the University of Arizona, we will require face masks be worn in all indoor spaces where it is not possible to adequately and continuously maintain social distance," stated - Robert C. Robbins, President - Read more
Nogales Unified School District #1
Required: Varies
"..NUSD is highly encouraging and recommending for all of our students, school staff, teachers, and visitors to continue to wear a mask at all times during school hours--with discretion while students are eating or understanding individual situations/health concerns when masks cannot be worn. NUSD is following the CDC guidance recommending wearing universal indoor masking for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors to K-12 Schools, regardless of vaccination status.
As a reminder, all students boarding the school bus and/or school vehicles are required to wear a mask at all times during transport to and from school. Please encourage our students to wear a mask when attending school at all times. NUSD will be providing masks for our students/families if needed or requested," stated Fernando Parra, Superintendent - Read more
Patagonia Public Schools
Required: No
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have stated masks should be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated. Consistent and correct mask use by people who are not fully vaccinated is especially important indoors and in crowded settings, when physical distancing cannot be maintained." - Read more
Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District #35
Required: Varies
"The District will require face coverings for staff and students while traveling on school buses and all school vehicles (i.e. vans, sedans, etc.). The District will continue to encourage all staff and students to wear face coverings while on school property," stated David Y. Verdugo, Superintendent - Read more
Yavapai County
Ash Fork School District #31
Required: Varies
"Masks are required on the bus, but not on campus. Masks are recommended for all people on campus and the district will provide masks to all that wish to wear one." - Read more
Bagdad Unified School District #20
Required: No
"Face coverings are optional. BUSD recommends that students, families, and staff follow CDC guidance regarding masking. Some students and staff will be wearing masks. BUSD will not tolerate any behavior intended to shame or embarrass those who choose to wear masks." - Read more
Beaver Creek Elementary School District #26
Required: No
"Staff and students may wear masks if they so desire. The district is fully aware that CDC guidelines for schools are ever changing and were last updated July 9. All areas of the mitigation plan follow the guidelines, with the exception of masks," stated Karin Ward, Superintendent and Allie Wheeler, Principal - Read more
Camp Verde Unified School District #28
Required: No
Masks are optional for both students and staff. - Read more
Canon Elementary School District #50
Required: No
"COVID-19 cases have been increasing in Yavapai County and Arizona. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommend that masks be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated. Mask usage in the classroom is highly recommended. However, your decision to have your child(ren) wear a mask or not is your personal preference," stated Angela E. Jangula, Superintendent - Read more
Chino Valley Unified School District #51
Required: No
"Face coverings are optional and will only be required per local, state, or federal mandate." - Read more
Clarkdale-Jerome Elementary School District #3
Required: No
"The AZ Department of Health Services (ADHS) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have both recently come out to recommend everyone in K-12 schools wear a mask, especially indoors. With a recent spike in positivity rate due to the Delta strain of the virus, we are highly recommending and encouraging masks be worn on campus. Other mitigation elements will continue, which are included in our mitigation plan on our website at," stated Danny Brown, Superintendent and Madisen Westcott, Principal
Congress Elementary School District #7
Required: No
"Current Health Guidelines include the usage of face masks to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The school will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance for schools." - Read more
Humboldt Unified School District #22
Required: No
"Schools are also prohibited from requiring vaccines or masks to participate in in-person instruction. Although masks will not be required, they will continue to be optional and encouraged for those who desire to wear them," stated John Pothast, Superintendent - Read more
Mayer Unified School District #43
Required: No
"Per state legislative mandate, no student or staff member can be required to wear a mask or be vaccinated. Students, however, may wear masks at their discretion, if necessary. We ask that all students and families respect the health and safety needs of those around them," stated Dean Slaga, Superintendent - Read more
Prescott Unified School District #1
Required: No
"Per a provision in the FY 2022 State of Arizona budget passed by the legislature and signed by the governor, PUSD will not require masks for the 2021-2022 school year. However, PUSD encourages students and staff to follow CDC guidelines regarding mask-wearing and be respectful of everyone's personal choice to wear a mask." -
Sedona-Oak Creek Joint Unified School District #9
Required: No
"As of June 1, 2021, the use of face coverings at district schools and facilities is optional, though highly encouraged for individuals who have not been vaccinated." - Read more