It's package delivery time during the holidays – authorities offer tips to prevent porch thefts
It's package delivery time during the holidays – authorities offer tips to prevent porch thefts
Dec. 1 is National Package Protection Day and with many people getting deliveries left on their front doorsteps, police are reminding people about the thieves who are out during the holidays.
TEMPE, Ariz. - Dec. 1 is National Package Protection Day and with many people getting deliveries left on their front doorsteps, police are reminding people about the thieves who are out during the holidays.
It happens every single year – porch thefts.
Delivery drivers make sure your packages get to your doorstep, but online shoppers aren't the only ones who want their Christmas presents, thieves are out looking for them too.
To remind consumers of the troubles that come along with online shopping, Dec. 1 is National Package Protection Day.
Tips on how to protect your deliveries
"It is really important people get their packages delivered safely," said Natalie Barela, a detective with the Tempe Police Department.
She says thieves are out looking for packages on doorsteps, so it is important to come up with a plan to keep your deliveries protected. "Have a space, maybe with your front porch, maybe near your garage where it is hidden," she said.
If you can't do that, Barela says there are other options like getting your packages delivered to lockboxes, ask your neighbor to grab your package, and utilizing technology like cameras, spotlights and tracking your package on an app.
"Thieves are looking for opportunity and a level of privacy," Barela said. "So if we can deter that by trimming down bushes by your door or having spotlights on, that might help deter this."
If you have cameras or a video doorbell, that can help detectives when you report the crime. They can see if there are patterns or certain areas thieves are hitting and can ultimately help them find the suspects.
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