Investigation surrounding fatal shooting in Phoenix continues
PHOENIX (KSAZ) - Phoenix Police detectives are investigating a brutal murder incident that took place in the Sunnyslope area, over the weekend.
The incident happened at a store that, besides repairing watches, also buys gold. At the store Monday, the coffee is still in the cup Mikhail Khachaturov was drinking out of, moments before he was shot and killed. His glasses and car keys are still on the desk, where he worked tirelessly to repair watches.
In front of the store sits Khachaturov's car, with one of the windows smashed out by someone.
"He was a very great man, very professional," said Roman Aranbaev, who owns the store. "Kind person with a heart, that type you can always rely on."
It is not known why someone walked in on Saturday morning, made off with $900, and shot Khachaturov?
"Animal. Not human," said Aranbaev. "I am speechless. I do not think it is a human. It is not a human."
Aranbaev, choking back tears, said Khachaturov was a family man, with a daughter in law school in New York City.
"He was always talking about her," said Aranbaev. "She is going to be a lawyer soon."
Khachaturov was looking forward to seeing her graduate.
Now, however, Khachaturov is gone.
"If anybody knows anything, please call the police," said Aranbaev. "Especially now, during the holidays, be careful. extra-cautious."
Anyone with information can leave an anonymous with Silent Witness at 480-WITNESS. Spanish speakers can call Testigo Silencioso at 480-TESTIGO.
Si tiene alguna información sobre el caso, llame a la línea de Testigo Silencioso (480-TESTIGO, 480-837-8446).