Hobbs vetoes Arizona photo radar ban bill

Arizona's photo radar cameras will stay put after Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed a bill on May 26 that would have removed all traffic enforcement cameras from city streets.

Senate Bill 1234 was sponsored by Senator Wendy Rogers of Flagstaff, who called the cameras a violation of privacy.

In her letter to Sen. Warren Petersen, Gov. Hobbs stated:

"I've heard from local leaders and the law enforcement officers across the state about the impact this bill will have on the safety of Arizonans. Research indicates that photo radar cameras demonstrate effectiveness in changing driver behavior and decreasing fatal accidents, especially in vulnerable areas like school zones. This bill's ban of photo radar would eliminate an important tool for law enforcement that allows for a more efficient allocation of limited police resources. 

I look forward to continuing the work with the Arizona legislature, law enforcement, and local municipalities to solve traffic issues and enhance public safety."

Read the bill - SB 1234: Prohibition; Photo Radar

SB 1234 would have prohibited local authorities from using photo radar to identify traffic violators, speeding drivers and anyone failing to obey a traffic control device, like running a red light.

It's not the first time state lawmakers have tried to get the cameras banned.

Arizona Senate panel rejects ban on photo red-light cameras

Testimony by police from several Phoenix-area departments backed the use of the cameras, saying they are useful in slowing down drivers and cutting accidents at intersections.

No more photo radar in Phoenix? City council votes not to renew contract

Unless the city council takes further action, the vote means red-light camera enforcement in Phoenix will end in January 2020.

Gov. Hobbs has vetoed over 70 bills so far this year. On May 26, she also vetoed SB 1066 (election mailings; third party disclosures), SB 1105 (early ballots; election day tabulation), SB 1135 (spoiled early ballots), and SB 1180 (voter registration; payment prohibited).