Girl Scouts move cookie sales online due to COVID-19 pandemic

We are a few weeks into this season's Girl Scout cookie sales and they've had to make some big adjustments this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sales have moved online and the scouts are learning a new way of doing business.

"We knew from the start that digital cookie was going to be a really crucial piece to the program this year, so we are just lucky that almost all the girls who are enrolled in the cookie program have also opted in for the digital cookie," said Vianca Navarete with the Girls Scouts Arizona Cactus Pine Council.

Navarete says she's already seen an increase in online sales because of the pandemic.

"We've already had close to 300,000 cookie boxes sold through our digital cookie platform and just in case people don't know, each girl gets their own digital cookie website platform, so through this platform, girls can send their customized website link to their friends and family so it's safe and secure."

And through the digital platform, the girls are learning important skills.

"They're learning things like e-commerce, how to build a website, e-marketing.. they're doing e-mail marketing," said Navarete.

Cookie sales will go through Feb. 28, so it's important to get those sweet treats while you can.

"We are just thankful for everybody supporting the girls and helping them meet their goals," said Navarete.

For more information about how to buy Girl Scout cookies online, go to or to find cookies near you.

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