Gilbert Goons: Town Council approves teen violence subcommittee
GILBERT. Ariz. - Members of the Gilbert Town Council approved 6-0 to establish a subcommittee to look into the increase in teen violence, as the East Valley town continues to turn its focus onto the so-called "Gilbert Goons" group.
During half an hour of public comment during the Jan. 9 meeting, East Valley parents demanded justice for Preston Lord, a teen beaten and killed by a group of people in late October 2023 who have not been identified.
Queen Creek Police have since submitted the names of seven people to the county attorney's office for charges.
One of the people taking the stand during public comment said they're calling for the Department of Justice to investigate Gilbert PD – just as it is investigating the Phoenix Police Department.
After hearing from parents, Gilbert Council members decided to move forward with a subcommittee focused on transparency, weeding out misinformation, and figuring out the scope of teen violence in the area.
‘The public is extremely concerned’
We first reported on the plan on Jan. 5, which is being proposed by councilmembers Jim Torgeson, Chuck Bongiovanni and Scott Anderson. At the time of the first report, all three declined on-camera interviews, but said the purpose of the discussion is for transparency, weeding out misinformation, and figuring out the scope of teen violence in the area.
While on-camera interview requests were denied by all three, we did manage to speak with Torgeson briefly over the phone.
"The fact of the matter is a lot of the public is extremely concerned, and it needs to be addressed," said Torgeson. "We've promised to be transparent and accountable, and so that’s exactly what we’re doing."
Gilbert’s mayor, Brigette Peterson, also turned down our request for an interview at the time. However, Peterson made a statement on the proposal that reads, in part:
"I, like the public, appreciate the transparency in which council subcommittees operate, the goal-oriented nature of their existence, and their ultimate objective of bringing forth a recommendation to the public body for action."
East Valley town continues to deal with ‘Gilbert Goons’ issue
Gilbert town leaders to discuss teen violence plan
Members of the Gilbert Town Council are set to discuss a plan on establishing a subcommittee to look at teen violence, at the town continues to deal with the issue, especially in light of recent attention towards the so-called 'Gilbert Goons' group. FOX 10's Danielle Miller reports.
This latest development comes as Gilbert Police reopens cases of assaults and other crimes involving teens in the town over the past two years.
For months, residents have expressed deep concern over violent teen attacks, voicing complaints at town council meetings and on social media.
As of Jan. 9, there are eight active investigations involving teen violence in Gilbert. The incidents include:
- A fight at a home in December 2022
- An assault and robbery at a fast food store in August 2023
- Two threats-related incidents on August 2023 and November 2023
Of the eight investigations, four were re-opened, while the other four were previously unreported, but later came in through online tips. The four previously-unreported cases reportedly happened at a parking garage in the town's Heritage District, a school parking lot, and near a fast food restaurant.
Previously, Gilbert Police investigators said they were looking for suspects connected to an aggravated robbery in August 2023 at a fast food store near Williams Field Road and Market Street. On Dec. 22, 2023, Gilbert Police officials released a number of photos that they say are connected with the aggravated robbery incident.
The photos were of a low resolution, but some of them show a group of people involved in what appears to be a fight. In one photo, a person's face can clearly be seen.
As of Jan. 9, Gilbert Police's website on their ongoing teen violence investigations states that the department is "working with the Arizona Gang & Immigration Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission (GIITEM), the Mesa Police Department Gang Unit, the Queen Creek Police Department, the Chandler Police Department, and the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office to thoroughly investigate any individuals self-proclaiming or being affiliated by others as being associated with the term 'Gilbert Goons.'"
"Initially, Gilbert PD did not have any reports where the victims or the suspects referred to "Gilbert Goons"; however, in recent information received from victims there are references to their assailants as being associated with "Gilbert Goons,'" a portion of the website reads.
The investigation, according to Gilbert Police officials, will determine if the so-called ‘Gilbert Goons’ can be classified as a criminal street gang under Arizona law.