Get to know: Irene Snyder

How are you liking Arizona so far?

It’s beautiful out here! Definitely a major climate change coming from Pennsylvania but I love the heat so it’s been great! I love hiking and while I haven’t gotten a chance to do much of that just yet I am looking forward to it!

What is your background? Where did you grow up, go to college?

I grew up in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (about two hours outside of Philly and 45 minutes from Harrisburg). There’s a lot of beautiful farm land around the area—in fact, I used to wake up at night to sounds of Amish horse and buggies driving by my house. I went to college pretty close to home at Elizabethtown College, where I double majored in Mass Communications and Sociology/Anthropology. 

How did you decide to become a journalist?

I have always loved telling stories, whether through singing, writing, or reporting. A mentor of mine in high school, who was the main anchor at the local tv station, is the one who really inspired me to become a reporter. Everyone has a story to tell and my goal is to learn as many of those as possible. 

What TV jobs have you held and where?

I worked as a digital journalist first in Lancaster County, then I moved to WFMZ-TV covering stories in Allentown, Philadelphia and Berks County. 

What type of stories do you like to tell?

I like to cover a wide variety of stories, but my absolute favorite stories to cover are human-interest. At my last job, some of my favorite stories included traveling to NYC to witness a WWII veteran from our area receive France’s highest honor, meeting a 98-year-old Girl Scout, and telling the story of a Doris the “Unknown Angel” whose mission is to give hope to tragedy victims. 

Away from work, what is a good weekend? Hobbies?

I absolutely love to sing (anything classical or broadway style). I also just got a ukulele for my birthday which I am having a lot of fun with! Back in PA, I often performed at charity events singing and playing piano. I love to read the classics (Jane Austen, Tolkien, C.S Lewis etc.), as well as hike and kayak.

Most of my weekends are spent hanging out with my grandmother (Yiayia in Greek). Her name is also Irene and the two of us are pretty much inseparable. On weekends we usually go out to eat, she gets her hair done, and then we come back and watch Hallmark Christmas movies while sipping hot chocolate. That is my idea of a perfect weekend. 

I also love going to church on Sundays when not working, I am Greek Orthodox and have always been very involved in the church. I’m also halfway decent at baking baklava and other Greek pastries (OPA)! 

Favorite Food? Probably salmon and a Caesar salad. 

Mountains or Beach? That’s a tough one because I love both, but probably the beach. 

Cats or Dogs? 
I can’t choose here...I grew up with a dog and several cats and I love them all :)