'Five Two Love': Utah family moves to Arizona for birth of quintuplets

Meet Skyler and Jamie Scott, a couple from St. George, Utah. The parents of two boys, 12-year-old Shayden and 7-year-old Landon. This family of four wanted to add another sibling.

"Really Jamie just wanted a girl. If we could have one more baby and she could somehow get a girl out of this. That was her hope," said Skyler.

After five years of trying, Skyler and Jamie turned to fertility help. They were able to get pregnant on their second round of artificial insemination. Their happiness grew to shock when they found out they would be adding a party of five to their family.

"When we went into the ultrasound, the sonographer looked at the screen and she quickly turned it away from us for a second. She called someone else over and they both looked at the screen together. We're looking at each other and going okay, what is it? She says, 'There's four.. there's four babies in there.' They started to go and check heart beats and measurements and things like that. Maybe 15 to 20 minutes have gone by and again she stops, looks at the screen and at that point she didn't have to tell us. I asked if her there's five in there isn't there? She goes, 'Ya. There's five.'"

Five babies: Two boys and three girls. Their names are already picked out.

"I love flowers. We have Lily Jane and Violet Rose. And Rose is his grandmother's name. And we have Daisy Kate and Kate is my sister's name," said Jamie.

"Jamie not only loves gardening. Jamie goes out and talks to her plants. She misses her plants. The boys are Logan Matthew, two names we love and people we know that we love with those names and then Lincoln Alan. Alan is my dad's name and I just love Lincoln. I just love the president. Lincoln is a strong name. Logan, Lincoln, Lily, Violet and Daisy," said Skyler.

In December, Skyler and Jamie moved to Phoenix to be under the care of Dr. John Elliot, one of the country's authorities on high-risk multiple births.

"And as rare as quintuplets are, he's delivered 23 sets of quintuplets and the average gestation of quintuplets is just under 27 weeks. Which means we would be having the babies tomorrow. He's delivered these 23 sets with an average gestation of 33 weeks."

The pregnancy hasn't been without complications. Five weeks ago, baby Logan's gestational sac broke and he lost all his fluids. There was the likelihood all five babies would have to be delivered early at 21.5 weeks. Miraculously, Jamie did not go into labor and Logan's sac has healed. He now has the same fluid level as his siblings.

Somehow, he's the baby at the bottom of the heap, but through great care and a lot of prayer, we are now in a situation where our doctor, Dr. Elliot.. his goal is 34 weeks."

The Scotts hope to make it to 32 weeks before delivering the babies. In Jamie's room is a bulletin board with a paper chain. Every Wednesday is a celebration as they cut off a link to show they've been able to make it another week. Right now, it's a waiting game.

The Scott's two older children are back in Utah with their grandparents. They come down every other weekend for visits. In the meantime, Jamie and Skyler use social media to update family and friends on the babies' condition. They have thousands of followers from around the world.

"At one point, I picked up Jamie's phone and she had 300-something texts. This is a great way we can keep everyone posted. It has grown. we now have followers in Brazil, Australia, South Africa, all over the world, Sweden. It's a way to share this story, but we also have an amazing amount of people praying for us and it's been a huge strength for us," said Skyler.

The Scott quints are 16 weeks old and they already have big personalities. Logan is the strong one at the bottom of the pile. Jamie and Skyler call him the gatekeeper. Daisy is the one in charge, she's always moving all over the place. Violet and Lincoln are the quiet and calm ones. Lily may be a ballerina one day. In every ultrasound picture, her toes are pointed and usually sticking into her siblings' faces.

Scott Family Quintuplets