Arizona Senate adjourns without taking up coronavirus bills

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The Arizona Senate's plan to pass a series of House bills and possibly consider two pieces of coronavirus-related legislation were upended Tuesday when a majority of members abruptly voted to adjourn for the year.

The 16-14 vote officially ended a 2020 legislative session that was interrupted in March by the coronavirus pandemic. Lawmakers are expected to be called back to work by Republican Gov. Doug Ducey in special sessions in coming weeks to handle virus-related issues.

The House returned last week, but only enacted several dozen minor bills and the two that deal with the virus before voting to end their session.

One proposal would have provided sweeping immunity to businesses from lawsuits filed by people infected on their premises and the second directed the use of $88 million in federal cash for child care centers.

The Senate had planned to take up 28 minor bills on Tuesday and to decide on whether to act on the virus bills. But minority Democrats moved to immediately adjourn and three Republicans joined them in voting to end the session.

The Senate had voted on May 8 to adjourn but the House moved ahead. Republican Sen. Kate Brophy McGee was among those wanting the session to end early this month and voted again Tuesday to adjourn.

“We have much bigger fish to fry in terms of ... a special session and issues related to the COVID virus and economic recovery and that's what I'm focused on,” Brophy McGee said.

Republican Senate President Karen Fann said she had expected Democrats to move to end the session, but not immediately at the start of Tuesday's session.

“It's a shame we weren't able to get the 28 House bills that we were hoping to get done,” Fann said. “There's some really good economic development, which can be COVID-related bills, so I'm hoping we get as many as possible in our special session.”

MAP: Arizona Coronavirus cases by zip code

Republican Sen. J.D. Mesnard also lamented the adjournment, saying it would have taken only few minutes to vote for the bills Fann had put on the agenda.

"That's disapointing, because literally we're all here," Mesnard said. "This seems to be motivated by something beyond this — I'm not sure what it's motivated by.

Republican Sen. Eddie Farnsworth helped craft the business liability bill that now will be delayed until the special session. He said the Senate's failure to act will prevent some businesses from opening because they are scared of coronavirus liability.

“What we've done is we've left those businesses hanging at a time where we have a tremendous economic downdown," Farnsworth said. "So for us to abdicate our responsibilities and walk away from this job is in my opinion unconscionable.”

Democratic Sen. Lupe Contreras, who was infected with the virus along with several family members, said the liability bill didn't protect workers or patrons from businesses that ignore the need to use social distancing and other measures to prevent the virus from spreading.

“I think we have to do something — I don't think that was the right bill,” Contreras said. "If your server at your business serves somebody alcohol that they shouldn't ... you're responsible,"

Contreras added: “So why aren't you responsible for making sure they're socially distanced? There have to be rules in place.”

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Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Stay home when you are sick.

Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

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Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.