APS lineman headed to N. California to help with power outages

A few dozen Arizona Public Service lineman are headed to California today to help other crews get power back on for thousands of people after powerful storms look it out.

"They're pretty prepared all the time. They're ready to go at a moment's notice for our restoration so to have restoration in another place is just a little more drive time," said Shane Hrober, APS Supervisor.

APS is part of a mutual assistance group on the West Coast where 50 different utilities help each other out about once a year.

"Eight four-man crews, so 32 guys, mechanics support groups going as well," said Hrober.

Crews are trained and ready to help restore power.

"When we're out there, we are going to be reconstructing their system to their design standards."

Power outages could increase throughout the week as storms continue in Northern California.

"Originally they had 400,000 out yesterday morning. They got it down to 50,000 out and they're expecting another quarter million out tonight," said Hrober.

The lineman are expecting to be out there for about one week.

"These are good lineman. These are top of the line stuff, so they'll do good," said Hrober.
