Mesa receives campaign finance complaint over municipal ballot measure

MESA, Ariz. (KSAZ) -- Officials with the City of Mesa say they are looking into whether text messages sent in regards to a municipal ballot measure may have violated state election law.

According to a statement released Tuesday afternoon, the city's Clerk's Office opened the investigation, after it received a campaign finance complaint over the city's Question 1.

According to the city's website, Question 1 will allow the East Valley city to maintain local control of the annual budget amount, and determine the expenditure limitations while maintaining a balanced budget. The city, according to officials, has had a Home Rule expenditure limitation option in effect since Fiscal Year 2000-2001, and if approved, Question 1 will keep the the Home Rule expenditure limitation option through Fiscal Year 2022/2023.

According to the statement, Mesa residents have been targeted from an entity that uses anonymous sources to mislead and confuse voters. While the statement did not name the organization, officials say the organization is not registered with the Clerk's Office, or it may not exist.
