How the heat can impact mood, decision making

Experts say the extreme heat can have "significant impacts" on our mental well-being. That includes our ability to think clearly and make decisions. Dr. Mike from the FOX medical team joins FOX 10 AZAM to talk about how the extreme heat can impact our mental health.

Free speech & Arizona's heat wave | Newsmaker

In this episode of John Hook's Newsmaker Saturday, we catch up with Arizona State Senator Anthony Kern about a debate over Arizona State and the role of free speech after an event back in February sparked controversy due to the speakers being hosted. In the next segment, we talk with our own, meteorologist Krystal Ortiz, who dives deep into the heat wave Arizona is experiencing. She's an Arizona native, which gives her perspective on just how hot it gets here, for how long, and the trends she's seeing.

Where's the rain? Phoenicians holding out for the monsoon

Praying and hoping for rain! That’s the thought for so many Phoenicians practically roasting in this brutal heat wave. Some in the Valley got a bit of a tease Saturday night seeing a few raindrops fall. FOX 10's Lauren Clark has more.