Disagree Better AZ: How to navigate tense talks

Mesa Mayor John Giles and Tempe Mayor Corey Woods are spearheading a new statewide effort to encourage friendly conversations as we get closer to the November election. https://disagreebetteraz.com

Severe monsoon weather sweeps through Phoenix

A major monsoon storm swept through the Phoenix area on Thursday, Aug. 22. Rain, high winds, hail and a dust storm came through the Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale and Gilbert areas.

Phoenix area schools receiving new AEDs

The Fiesta Bowl Sports Foundation, in a partnership with the American Red Cross, donated 23 AEDs to schools across the Phoenix area, including a junior high school in Mesa. FOX 10's Irene Snyder reports.

Firefighters injured in Mesa house fire

Firefighters escaped from a burning Mesa home when its roof collapsed as crews were working to put out a fire on Monday afternoon. FOX 10's Lindsey Ragas has the latest.

Mesa PD cracks down on curfews

The Mesa Police Department is cracking down on curfews for juveniles. It's part of the department's Operation Safe Summer program.

Mesa family relieved after surprise home birth

Mesa couple Brooklyn and Josh Neely thought they were ready for the delivery of their third baby before baby Jenevieve flipped those plans on their head. FOX 10's Lindsey Ragas has the story.