Cellfina: FDA approved procedure gets rid of cellulite for up to 2 years

It's vexed women forever -- no matter how much they diet and exercise, some just can't get rid of it: cellulite -- those dimples of skin that you just can't hide in a swimsuit. But there's new hope in an FDA approved procedure that gets rid of cellulite for up to two years.

Autopay app finds, tracks, cancels unwanted subscriptions

Set it and forget -- that's the way a lot of us buy our favorite products or pay our bills these days. Just sign up online for autopay. The money comes right out of your account -- you don't have to do a thing. Turns out that modern convenience could be costing you lots of extra money.

Save the Sixties: Phoenix man preserves time capsule home

It was a feel good moment for one Phoenix man when he discovered yet one more piece of the 1960s. In fact, his home is full of them and Miles McDermott has spent years not only collecting the 60s, but helping others restore, preserve and showcase their homes from that same decade. FOX 10's Andrew Hasbun reports.

Active shooter training available to civilians

It's a frightening thought; an active shooter moves into your workplace, a movie theater, or your church. These events have all happened in the past years, and now a local organization is offering classes, usually only reserved for police, to teach people how to react in an active shooting situation.

Inside a unique home for sale in Cave Creek

Imagine you want to build a home with an important secret. Like a basement built for protection from the unexpected. What would you use to construct it? One builder in Cave Creek says his solution is unique.

Holocaust survivor recalls time at Auschwitz

It was an unimaginable horror, millions of people killed during the Holocaust. Some lived including a woman who now lives in Phoenix, who survived the Nazi's most notorious death camp, Auschwitz.

Love birds call the valley home

Some couples are settling down in Arizona, and they are thriving. They generally mate for life, and these lovebirds don't appear to be going anywhere, they're actually spreading.

Valley racing team has two very fast women

A lot of people love to ride motorcycles in the valley, and some of them like to race. Not on the street, but in wide open spaces where they can push their bikes to the limit. Two of those world-class riders are women, and say their gender isn't a big deal; they just love to go fast.

Valley woman undergoes surgery to reattach ear

It's been a tough year for one Valley woman; a vicious dog attack left her without one of her ears. But thanks to amazing medical advances doctors were able to save her ear by placing it temporarily inside her body.

Polygamy advocates claim religious freedom

The word polygamy brings many things to mind. For some, they think religious cults, like the FLDS church in northern Arizona. It's leader Warren Jeffs is now behind bars for child sexual assault. But others believe polygamy is much more; it's not about religion but instead a personal choice.

Man has life changed after encounter with Sheriff Arpaio

Many people know or are related to someone who has battled with drug addiction. It's at epidemic levels, and overcoming addiction is hard. It's so difficult that many give up hope, they're in too deep, and they think there's nothing anyone can do to help them. An Arizona man addicted to meth for more than a decade managed to turn his life around from rock bottom to recovery.

Crop dusters remain vital to Arizona farming

They fly low, and they fly fast, skimming over farmland like they've been doing it for over 100 years now. Crop dusters now known as aerial applicators, are still doing a brisk but risky business.

Nuclear response team based in the valley

5-years-ago an earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan killing close to 16,000 and leaving many more injured or missing. The lessons learned from that accident are quietly playing out just miles from downtown Phoenix.

Luxury apartment rentals drive rent prices higher

If you've looked for an apartment recently, you know that the cost of rent has increased significantly. In some areas, the average has jumped hundreds of dollars. The luxury market appears to be driving steep increases, so what do you get for a few thousand dollars per month?