Millions of fentanyl pills seized at AZ border

The Arizona portion of the U.S. - Mexico Border is seeing some of the most fentanyl in the nation. In fact, more than 3 million fentanyl pills have been seized at an Arizona border crossing in recent days. Reporter Kennedy Hayes has more.

Proposed 'Secure the Border Act' may be voted on by Arizonans

Arizona senators and community leaders say they are against a new proposal that would authorize law enforcement to arrest people suspected of breaking United States immigration law. Putting the bill into action may be up to voters. FOX 10's Lindsey Ragas has the story.

Unknown border crossings are on the rise, report says

The number of migrants crossing the southern border who aren’t caught by border agents is on the rise. Texas law enforcement says this problem can put U.S. national security at risk. FOX's Bowen Kedrowicz is in El Paso, Texas with more.

New report tracks 'known gotaways' at border

Customs and Border Patrol estimate 670,000 people crossed the U.S. southern border last year but were never apprehended. The number over the last three years under President Biden exceeds 1.5 million.

Rally against 'Secure the Border Act' at Arizona State Capitol

A rally against the Secure the Border Act took place in front of the Capital on Saturday. While Republicans are working to put the measure in front of voters during the November elections, protesters say the bill is racist and unconstitutional.