Saudi gunman tweeted against U.S. before naval base shooting, visited New York

The Saudi gunman who killed three people at the Pensacola naval base had apparently gone on Twitter shortly before the shooting to blast U.S. support of Israel and accuse America of being anti-Muslim, a U.S. official said Sunday as the FBI confirmed it is operating on the assumption the attack was an act of terrorism.

Sentencing set for man convicted of lying in probe of attack

A Dec. 17 sentencing hearing has been scheduled for an Arizona man convicted of making false statements to FBI agents during the investigation of the 2015 attack on a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest in suburban Dallas.

Trump: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s 'number one replacement' also killed by US troops

In a tweet Tuesday morning, President Trump said that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s "number one replacement" was also killed by American troops. "Just confirmed that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s number one replacement has been terminated by American troops," the tweet read. "Most likely would have taken the top spot - Now he is also Dead!"

Trump: US forces cornered ISIS leader in dead-end tunnel

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi , the shadowy leader of the Islamic State group who presided over its global jihad and became arguably the world's most wanted man, was killed in a U.S. military raid in Syria, President Donald Trump said Sunday.

Judge to examine failure to disclose video in terror case

A judge will hold a hearing over the FBI’s failure to turn over surveillance footage to an Arizona man until three years after he was convicted of providing guns to two friends who launched a 2015 attack on a Prophet Muhammad cartoon contest.

Arizona Sen. McSally takes action in the wake of two mass shootings

There has been a lot of talk about mass shootings, gun control, mental health and what can be done to stop these terrible scenes. Sen. McSally has sponsored a bill that would make domestic terrorism its own federal crime. She stopped by the FOX 10 studios to talk about the bill, red flag laws and the 2020 senate race against Mark Kelly.