PHOENIX (KSAZ) - A tragic accident involving a mom, dad and their little girl visiting from India.
"There was a guy strung out on meth, driving 75-85 miles an hour that ran into them head on," Sumona Bhattacharya said.
It happened just as the family was heading to the Hoover Dam after visiting the Grand Canyon.
"The baby was airlifted, she was 13-months-old, to Phoenix Children's Hospital and the parents were taken to Flagstaff Medical Center," Bhattacharya said.
Sumona Bhattacharya heard about the accident through a friend in India and she went to visit the baby in the hospital since the parents were being treated in Flagstaff.
"The day after that the father came in and speaking to him, I realized he was new to the country," she said. "He did not know how to navigate the insurance system, the healthcare system."
So she took it upon herself and began fundraising.
"I went on this amazing website called CrowdRise," she said. "The team has been, their marketing team has been incredible working with me," she said.
The goal was to raise $15,000, but with the help of the website, they raised $92,000 within the first month.
However, that still wasn't enough.
"The airlift is not going to be covered because that's $63,000 of the $92,000," she said. "Sixty-three thousand dollars is gone almost immediately and once we start paying for therapies, it's going to eat into that very quickly."
All three of them will be OK, but the seriousness of the injuries will leave them needing physical therapy for years to come.
"It's a long road to recovery, but they're alive and they're going to make it and they're going to be fine," she said.
Thanks to help from Sumona and the community, the family was able to fly back to Chicago this past weekend and will continue recovering.
For more information on CrowdRise, click here.