Valley wildlife organization works hard to rescue birds

A local wildlife nonprofit in Phoenix is saving thousands of birds and other animals every year, and on Monday, FOX 10 went along with Liberty Wildlife as they rescued and inspected a bird in a nearby backyard.

They managed to bring in a young comorant, and made sure it was OK before they plan to release it. Their mission is to save the animals, and they do it thanks to the community's help. The bird was found in a backyard pool in Laveen. Meanwhile, wildlife biologists at Liberty Wildlife are inspecting the bird, making sure his wings are strong and checking for wounds. It appears the bird is OK.

"He is a juvenile, so he has likely had a hard go of it and ended up in someone's pool without anyone there," said Holy Hicks, a Wildlife Biologist at Liberty Wildlife. "Luckily, someone was able to see it and called us."

This is the scene every single day at Liberty Wildlife, where they care for all kinds of animals, from any type of birds such as hawks, owls, and ravens to even tortoises.

"If it is injured or sick or orphaned, we have this hospital here that is open every day of the year, with the hope of releasing it back to the wild," said Laura Hackett, a Wildlife Biologist at Liberty Wildlife.

During the busy months of summer, they will get hundreds a day. In September, they get about 20 to 30 a day.

"We are at 89, almost 9,000 birds for the year at Liberty, and we still have four more months to go," said Hicks.

The way they care for these animals is all thanks to donations from the community, and hundreds of volunteers throughout the year.

"They were here first," said Hackett. "We have moved into their land and we have displaced them a lot, so it is our job to take care of them."

Liberty Wildlife is in a constant need of volunteers and donations, in order to make sure they can save some of these majestic creatures. If you have an animal in your backyard that needs saving, you can call their hotline at (480) 998-5550 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Liberty Wildlife